- Special Air Mission Squadron 特殊空运任务中队
- Special Air Mission Command Post 特别空运任务指挥所
- Specifically Designated Special Air Mission Aircraft 明确指派的特别空中任务航行器
- Air Force Special Air Missions Office 空军特别航空任务办公室
- special air mission 特殊飞行任务
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Maputo to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到马普托特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Antananarivo to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到塔那那利佛特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Yamoussoukro to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到亚穆苏克罗特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- With regards to the mechanics of the air mission system we are also implementing the same reserve system as found in naval missions. 在着手建立空军任务架构的时候我们也实现了和海军任务相同的预备队系统。
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Rabat to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到拉巴特特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Kigali to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到基加利特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Bamako to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到巴马科特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Yaounde to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到雅温得特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Libreville to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到利伯维尔 特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- Consolidated Air Mission Results Analysis 综合空中任务结果分析
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Windhoek to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到温得和克特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- Many large companies have specialized air and the Department of hangars. 不少大公司都有专门的空运部和飞机库。
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Monrovia to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到蒙罗维亚特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Lilongwe to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到利隆圭特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。
- Warm Tip: Beijing- the capital Nouakchott to the special air flights by airlines due to policy adjustment- the price will also be adjusted. 温馨提示: 首都北京到努瓦克肖特特价机票航班由于受航空公司政策的调整,价格也会随之而调整。