- Spiraea yunnanensisn. 云南绣线菊
- Gaultheria yunnanensis(Franch.)Rehd. 滇白珠
- Cystobranchus yunnanensis sp. nov.n. 云南囊蛭(新种)
- The study considers Spiraea originated in Pan-Arctic Pole. 研究认为绣线菊属是泛北极起源。
- Note that some Spiraea wetting should not, such as silk. 注意,有的绣线不能润湿,比如丝线。
- Spiraea all pulled to the surface of embroidered cloth. 把绣线全部拉到绣布表面。
- Spiraea two should be at this time through the 2 points. 这时两根绣线应该是穿过2点的。
- Cotoneaster and Spiraea are also popular garden shrubs. 栒子和绣线菊也是著名的庭院灌木。
- New taxa of Spiraea L. and Sorbus L. from southwestern China. 西南地区绣线菊属和花楸属新植物.
- Roscoea sinopurpurea Stapf;Roscoea yunnanensis Loes. 其它俗名 Roscoea purpurea Smith;
- A new species of Chinese medicinal plant -- Uncaria yunnanensis. 中国药用植物的一新种 -- 云南钩藤.
- Objective: To analyze constituents of volatile oil from Gaultheria yunnanensis. 摘要目的:分析中药透骨香挥发油成分。
- Objective: To select high taxol content cell lines of Taxus yunnanensis . 目的:选择云南红豆杉高紫杉醇含量细胞系。
- Objective:To study the chemical constituents of Heterosmilax yunnanensis. 目的:对短柱肖菝葜的化学成分进行研究。
- Either of two North American shrubs(Spiraea alba or S. latifolia) having umbel-shaped clusters of white flowers. 绣线菊属植物两种产于北美洲的灌木(绣叶菊属白花柳叶绣线菊或绣叶菊属宽叶绣线菊),具有白色花朵的伞状花束
- Either of two North American shrubs(Spiraea alba or S.latifolia)having umbel - shaped clusters of white flowers. 绣线菊属植物两种产于北美洲的灌木(绣叶菊属白花柳叶绣线菊或绣叶菊属宽叶绣线菊),具有白色花朵的伞状花束
- Spiraea is said to have used cotton imports, there are more than 400 kinds of color lines, soft color, not faded. 据说绣线用的是进口纯棉,线色有四百多种,色泽柔和,不易褪色。
- It looks like two Spiraea two parallel chopsticks, 2:00 chopsticks are caught between one of the peanuts. 看起来,两根绣线象两根平行的筷子,2点是筷子中间夹住的一颗花生米。
- Advances in studies on Gaultheria leucocarpa var. Yunnanensis and medicinal plants of Gaultheria L. 滇白珠及其同属药用植物研究进展。
- Another approach is to use before each Spiraea through a wet sponge, but also allow smooth line. 另外一个方法是,使用前将每根绣线穿过一块湿的海绵,也能让线平整光滑。