- This gets sick the pathogenesis, primarily in the liver, affects the spleen kidney, sends the liver spleen kidney three internal organs all to get sick, by liver spleen primarily, also take defi... 本病的病机,原发在肝,波及脾肾,致肝脾肾三脏俱病,以肝脾为主,又以气虚、血瘀、水停、阴亏四个方面为其主要病理表现,呈"本虚标实"。近年来我们用芪术牛膝汤治疗肝硬化腹水多例,收到较满意疗效。
- Can we shunt the talks onto a new topic? 我们谈话换个新话题好吧?
- Keywords Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura(ITP);Fire Draining and Blood Calming therapy;Spleen Kidney Nourishing therapy;Chinese medical treatment; 原发性血小板减少性紫癜;泻火宁血;健脾滋肾;
- The 1123 cases were differentiated into spleen kidney qi deficiency, spleen kidney yang deficiency, liver kidney yin deficiency and qi yin deficiency; 辨证论治组分为脾肾气虚、脾肾阳虚、肝肾阴虚、气阴两虚4型治疗,活血化瘀组以“肾病化瘀汤”治疗。
- A cousin is a collateral relative. 表兄弟是旁系亲属。
- He used his house as a collateral for the loan. 他用房子作这笔贷款的担保品。
- She tried to shunt the blame onto Miss Williams. 她试图把责任推至威廉姆斯小姐身上。
- I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我非得找个人出出气。
- I waited for him to get the rest of the spleen out of his system. 我等着他把心头的余努全部发泄出来。
- kidney collateral syndrome 肾络病证
- He is a man of the right kidney. 他是个脾气很好的人。
- The bank will insist on collateral for a loan of that size. 银行对这样的大笔贷款一定要有抵押物。
- Spleen-kidney collateral shunt 脾肾分流
- To warm the kidney and the spleen and check diarrhea. 温肾暖脾,涩肠止泻。
- A collecting structure in the kidney. 肾总管,肾盂肾中的集合结构
- Able to develop into kidney tissue. 肾发生的能发展为肾组织的
- Some men give their blood to their country; others their spleen. 既有人为国捐躯,亦有人捐坏脾气(怀恨)。
- The surgeon graft the dead man's kidney into his patient. 这位外科医生将死人的两个肾移植到他的病人身上。
- You can't shunt the blame onto your mother. 你不能把责任推到妈妈身上。
- Shunt your suitcases,let me go through. 把你的行李箱挪一挪,让我过去。