- The inhibition mechanism experiment indicates that it cause the decrease of spore germination rate and the abnormal hyphal growth. 抑菌机制试验表明:它可造成孢子萌发率降低、丝生长形态异常。
- BTW 4 1 was difficult to use inorganic nitrogen for growth, however its spore germination rate was high in solution containing peptone and yeast juice. BTW41对无机氮源的利用不好 ,在蛋白胨、酵母汁中的萌发率极高。
- Spores germinated without a dormancy period and the germination rate was high, indicating that spore characteristics are not a factor causing its endangerment. 结果表明: 扇蕨生长在原生性强的常绿阔叶林和针阔混交林下, 在群落中处于受支配的地位。
- Keywords Metarhizium anisopliae;soil survey;Monochamus alternatus;Pathogenicity;survival dynamic;spore germination rate;ISSR;genetic diversity; 金龟子绿僵菌;土壤调查;松墨天牛;致病力;宿存动态;孢子萌发率;ISSR;遗传多样性;
- Keywords fresh beer lees;substitution rate of adjunct materials;spore germination rate;spore population;protein utilization rate; 鲜啤酒糟;辅料取代率;孢子发芽率;孢子数;蛋白质利用率;
- Spore germination rate 孢子萌发率
- The germination rate of old seed was lower. 陈种子的发芽率较低。
- BTH had no direct inhibition to the spore germination and mycelial growth. BTH对炭疽菌孢子萌发及菌丝生长均无直接抑制作用。
- In general, the thiophanate-methyl had been identified as the best fungicide against the pathogeny according to hypha growing inhibitory rate and spore germination inhibitory rate. 在化学杀菌剂筛选的基础上通过对病原菌及病害发病规律的研究制定出了综合防治措施。
- Experimental results showed that the extracts inhibited spore germination,hypha growing rate and growth of tested fungi,the inhibiting rate of Fulvia fulva was up to more than 80%. 结果表明,万寿菊根粗提物对病菌的孢子萌发、菌丝生长速率和菌丝生长量均有不同程度的抑制作用。其中,对番茄叶霉病菌的抑制效果最好,达80%25以上。
- The encroach process includes conglutination, spore germination, penetration, growth and host death. 它对寄主侵染过程包括粘附、子萌发、透虫体、内发育和致死。
- It was found that germination rate was high in the dew on tea leaf surface. 担孢子在茶叶面露水中萌发率最高。
- ZJUF0986 bioactive metabolite not only depresses spore germination but also decrease appressorium formation. 活性代谢产物不仅影响孢子萌发,也显著降低附着胞的形成。
- The extract of Acacia catechu did not inhibit the growth of mycelium, but restrained the spore germination by 100%. 儿茶提取物对菌丝生长的抑制效果较差;但却显著抑制了孢子萌发;抑制率达100%25.
- Protonema (pl. protonemata) The young bryophyte gametophyte that develops following spore germination. 原丝体:苔藓植物中直接由孢子萌发形成的结构称为原丝体。
- The green, filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and mosses and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte. 原丝体由叶苔或苔藓的孢子萌芽发展而成的绿色丝状生长物,最终发展成配子体
- However, UHGB had little effect, but HGB had significant effect, on the rates of spore germination. 但是,UHGB对炭疽菌孢子的萌发率没有影响,而HGB却能显著抑制孢子的萌发。
- The process of their spore germination and gametophyte development were observed and photoed by microscope. 利用光学显微镜观察和记录了它们的孢子萌发和配子体发育过程。
- The germination rate of "Venus seedless" embryos was efficiently promoted through beak cutting of the ovule. 喙切可以大大提高金星无核胚珠的萌发率。
- Protonema The green, filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and mosses and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte. 由叶苔或苔藓的孢子萌芽发展而成的绿色丝状生长物,最终发展成配子体。