- Squatina nebulosan. 星云扁鲨
- Conclusion: The distribution of taste bud and the lingual morphology in Neofelis nebulosa are adapted to its habits of catching qu... 结论:云豹味蕾的分布及舌的形态学特点与它的捕食和吞咽习性相适应。
- An annual grass (Agrostis nebulosa) native to Spain and Portugal, cultivated for its delicate, finely branched cluster of tiny spikelets and used in dried arrangements. 云翦股颖:一种一年生草(云翦股颖),原产于西班牙和葡萄牙,因其精美、分枝很好的簇状小穗花而被种植,用于干花布置
- Last,the relationships among Neofelis nebulosa,Panthera pardus,Uncia uncial and Panthera tigris,the results show they are also close,supporting their inclusion in the genus Panthera. 云豹(Neofelisnebulosa)、豹(Pantherapardus)、雪豹(Unciauncia)、虎(Pantheratigris)具有较近的亲缘关系,支持将它们同归于豹属(Panthera)的观点
- Keywords Neofelis nebulosa;tongue;taste bud; 关键词云豹;舌;味蕾;
- [Latin] Squatina squatina 扁鲨
- Squatina formosan. 台湾扁鲨
- Squatina 扁鲨
- Squatina japonican. 日本扁鲨
- Squatina tergocellatoidesn. 拟背斑扁鲨
- Polia nebulosan. 灰夜蛾
- Asura nebulosan. 烟影艳苔蛾
- Rhyparioides nebulosan. 浑黄灯蛾
- Marginella nebulosa Rödingn. 云斑谷米螺(骨螺超科;谷米螺科)
- Agaronia nebulosa Lamarckn. 云斑假榧螺(骨螺超科;榧螺科)
- Rhaphigaster nebulosa 砂枣润蝽
- Mastogloia nebulosan. 多云胸隔藻
- Navicula hennedyi var. nebulosan. 海氏舟形藻云状变种
- Chromulina nebulosan. 雾单鞭金藻
- Lymantria nebulosan. 枫毒蛾