- Correlation Analysis of Internal Friction Angle and Standard Penetration Blow Number for Fine-grained Soil 细粒土内摩擦角与标准贯入锤击数的相关分析
- Standard penetration blows 标贯击数
- number of blows of standard penetration 贯入试验锤击数
- Standard penetration test blow count 标准贯入击数
- Then, it is illustrated that M0 can be used to predict unconfined compression strength and the number of standard penetration and the failure strain. 另外,探讨了用初始综合结构因子M0预估水泥土样的无侧限抗压强度、标贯击数、破坏应变的可能性。
- The standard penetration test(SPT)of base-pile of the artificial bored pile is very essential according to the feature of this project. 根据本工程实例情况,人工挖孔桩桩底标贯试验是非常必要的。
- Through a lot of in-situ standard penetration tests(SPT) and dynamic triaxial testst,he effect of fine content on dynamic liquefaction property is studied. 结合大量的现场标贯试验和室内动三轴试验,研究细粒含量对尾矿材料液化特性的影响,并提出细粒含量对尾矿材料液化特性影响的修正公式。
- Abstract: Through contrasting of the results of different geotecnical investigation methods in several engineering project the effective methods to determine ground standard value of bearing capacity by standard penetration is presented. 文摘:通过对实际工程不同勘探方法对比研究,提出了用标贯试验锤击数确定粘性土地基承载力标准值的有效方法。
- Through the standard penetration test (SPT) the plug behavior of PHC piles in silty sand and the influence to the characteristics of the soil around PHC pile by driving or jacking methods are studied. 采用现场标准贯入试验,分析了粉砂土中PHC管桩的土塞特性、不同沉桩方式对桩周土力学性能的影响。
- Juang, C.H., Chen, C.J.,Tang, Jiang,T., and Andrus ,R. D.(2000),“Risk-based Liquefaction Potential Evaluation using Standard Penetration Tests,”Canadian Geotechnical Journal,Vol.37, pp. 1195-1208. 林呈、孙洪福(2000),“见证921集集大地震(上)(下)-震灾成因与因应对策--初版”,麦格罗.;希尔出版公司。
- number of standard penetration test 标贯数
- standard penetration experimentation 标准贯入法
- standard penetration test values 标贯值
- Number of Standard Penetration ( N63.5 ) 标准贯入击数(N63.;5)
- Application of Standard Penetration Test and Influence Factor of Number of Blows 标准贯入试验的应用及贯入击数的影响因素
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商标局)会寄给你标准表格要你填写。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那个国家好久之前就放弃金本位制了。