- Stanley Stanczyk 斯坦奇克
- Have I the pleasure of addressing Mr. Stanley? 我可以同斯坦利先生讲话吗?
- Stanley is our resident crossword fanatic. 斯坦利是我们中间的填纵横字谜的游戏迷。
- Stanley felt a nameless anxiety rising in him. 史坦利觉得心头涌起一股不可名状的忧虑。
- Stanley Pierce spits when he talks. 斯坦利·庇亚斯讲话时唾沫纷飞。
- For a moment Stanley was depressed. 史坦利忽然觉得心头一沉。
- Stanley had more on the ball than Brown. 史坦利的脑筋要比布朗灵得多了。
- That's where Stanley Jobson enters the picture. 于是,世界上最棒的两大黑客之一斯坦利·约布森被牵连进来。
- Have I the pleasure of addressing Mr. Stanley ? 我可以同斯坦利先生讲话吗?
- Stanley amused him, roused his irony. 他看着史坦利觉得好笑,心里真想挖苦他一下。
- Stanley is our resident crossword fanatic . 斯坦利是我们的常任填字游戏迷。
- Stanley's ambition made him contemptuous. 史坦利野心还不小哩,他感到不齿。
- How many birds can you see, Stanley? 你看见几只鸟,斯坦利。
- Stanley, can you play Chinese chess? 斯坦利,你会下中国象棋吗?
- Stanley, seeing an opportunity, joined him. 史坦利看到机会来了,也去挨在他的身边。
- It's a lesson Stanley has taken to heart. 这是斯坦利铭记在心的一条座右铭。
- Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. 由于这种机制的存在,摩根士丹利资本国际公司。
- Morgan Stanley China A Share Fund, Inc. 在首次公开发行中为摩根士丹利中国A股基金公司。
- Morgan Stanley Japan Securities Co. 摩根士丹利日本证券公司。
- Morgan stanley investment management inc. 国家外汇管理局批准摩根士丹利投资管理公司。