- Centros newly-appointed chief creative officer Stanley Wong has been given the task of formulating and producing the core company brand. 新上任的创作总监黄炳培被指派了一向任务,就是要创造一个公司的核心品牌。
- Have I the pleasure of addressing Mr. Stanley? 我可以同斯坦利先生讲话吗?
- Stanley is our resident crossword fanatic. 斯坦利是我们中间的填纵横字谜的游戏迷。
- Stanley Wong Tak-keung 黄德强(1950-),美国人,香港银行家。
- Stanley Wong Cheung-kwan 黄祥钧(1952-),英国人,香港实业家。
- Sung Tak Wong Kin Sheung Memorial School Performed Lion Dance in the Opening Ceremony. 大埔崇德王健常学校为大会开幕礼表现醒狮。
- Lap Keung Precision Industrial Co. Ltd. 立强精密工业有限公司。
- Novice photographer Wong Chi Keung finds himself deeply in love with Fan Sien, a television's No.1 glamor star.He worships her as a goddess of perfection. 初出道之摄影师王志强(钟镇涛饰),认识了电视红星范仙(雷庆瑜饰),王被范仙之魅力吸引,对范产生浓厚爱意,且发展了一段浪漫的爱情。
- They boys could not tak ein his meaning. 孩子们听不懂他的意思。
- Wizard Wong had glanced at the tape several times. 翁“魔术师”已经对磁带瞥了好几眼。
- Stanley felt a nameless anxiety rising in him. 史坦利觉得心头涌起一股不可名状的忧虑。
- Kai Tak Airport North Apron, Kowloon. 九龙启德机场北面停机坪。
- Stanley Pierce spits when he talks. 斯坦利·庇亚斯讲话时唾沫纷飞。
- Tak Mei Toys Eyeball Factory Ltd. 德美玩具眼珠制品厂有限公司。
- For a moment Stanley was depressed. 史坦利忽然觉得心头一沉。
- Stanley had more on the ball than Brown. 史坦利的脑筋要比布朗灵得多了。
- My name's David, Wong's my last name. 我叫大卫,姓王。
- Dik, boleh letak cream kat atas tak? 小妹,可以在那上面加奶油吗?
- That's where Stanley Jobson enters the picture. 于是,世界上最棒的两大黑客之一斯坦利·约布森被牵连进来。