- Statute law norms 成文法规范
- The third use of the law norms the Christian life. 律法的第三个功用规范着基督徒的生活。
- The Chinese law system falls into the category of statute law, and legal provision entails theory. The educator's task is to annotate law. 中国法属于成文法,法条背后隐含了法学理论,法学教育仍须以制定法的注释为核心任务,并支撑法学专业教育。
- So in judicial area,it is not intolerable that the practitioner digress from the malapropos statute law moderatel... 因此,司法实践中司法者合理地违背或游离于某些不合时宜的程序性规范之外就成为可以理解的事情了。
- Both of the statute law and the case law are the most effective legal form in the world. 法典法与判例法是当今世界上最具影响力的两种法律形式,两者相比各有长短。
- Only knew the law norms of various types, the article of incorporation may realizes autonomy under Jus cogens. 只有认识了不同类型法律规范,公司章程才能在公司法强行性规范下实现自治。
- Statute Law was actualized firstly in Japan in 1889, and the modern democratic election system was established. 1889年,日本在非西方国家中第一个实施了成文宪法,并据此建立了近代民主选举制度。
- The third part analyses the credit sale system from law norms and law relations. 第三部分,本文从法律规范和法律关系两个角度对赊买卖制度进行了法律分析。
- However, as a method of legal creation and interpretation, the case law is riot antagonistic to the statute law. 然而,作为一种创制法律、解释法律的技术方法而言,判例法与成文法并不是相互排斥、相互对立的。
- Its application represents the valuse and objectives of rel- evant criminal law norms. 它适用并诠释着相关刑事法规范所欲实现的价值选择与目标追求;
- Misdemeanors are offences against the criminal law which are not by common law or statute law treason or felony. 轻罪是普通法和制定法中除叛逆罪和重罪以外的犯罪。
- The development of law is the course from custom to statute law,and during this course the statute law broke away from the local regulations. 法律的发展经历了一个由习惯到习惯法再到制定法的过程,在这个过程中,法律不断地与地方性规则相脱离。
- Absolute judicial justice is an ideal while relative judicial justice is an evitable defect of the jurisdiction based on statute law. 绝对司法公正是理想,司法公正只能是相对的。相对司法公正的成因有内因和外因之分。
- The academic norm mainly includes the academic morals norm, academic law norm, the writing technical specification and academic evaluation norm. 摘要学术规范主要包括学术道德规范、学术法律规范、写作技术规范和学术评价规范。
- On the jurisprudence perspective,the judicial practice could not simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law,or official law all the time. 从法理学角度来说,司法活动也不可能始终,同时也不应当始终沿着制定法、“应然法”所界定的逻辑行进。
- Currently, most of the countries in the world civil lawruled the acquisitive prescription system; it occupies in civil law norm theimportant position and plays an important role. 目前,世界上大多数国家民法都规定了取得时效制度,在民事法律规范中占据了重要的地位并发挥了重要的作用。
- The two systems of statute law and case law as the mainstream of global juridical culture have had historic and manifold influence upon China's legal system construction. 大陆法系和英美法系是当今世界法律文化的主流,两大法系对我国法制建设有着历史性的多方位的影响。
- The development of jurisprudence makes everyone acknowledge that the statute law has serious defects,such as the inactivation,equivocation,hysteresis,et. 法理学的发展使人们逐步认识到成文法的局限和不足,例如成文法的僵化、歧义、滞后或过于超前等不合时宜问题。
- In that case, the established ” “ know for judicial interpretation, judicial application left too much space, this statute law in our country is not appropriate. 那么,草案所确立的“知道”便给司法解释、司法适用留下了过大的空间,这在我们这种成文法国家是不合适的。
- First , plenitude of the debt laws norm was because of economic development in Tang Dynasty ,exactly to say it was because the merchant economy was more developed than past. 首先,债法规范的丰富是因为唐代经济的发展,确切地说是商品经济较以前发达。