- Tell the child to stay close behind you in a crowd. 告诉孩子人群中让他紧紧跟在你身后。
- Stay close behind me in the crowd. 在人群里你要紧紧地跟着我.
- NO, YOU'D BETTER STAY CLOSE TO ME. 不,你最好跟我在一起。阿尔茜的话,恶搞一下,难不成她是御姐?或是女王?
- Stay close to me! I can't see a thing. 靠近我,我什么都看不到。
- Manfred: Stay close, Sid. We can fight our way out. 曼弗雷德:靠近点儿,锡德。我们可以杀出一条血路。
- We want to win, however, to stay close to Juve. 但是我们渴望胜利,我们要对尤文图斯保持压力。”
- Or we can stay close to the ranch in nearby Levengood Gulch. 或者我们可以呆在干谷峡谷附近农场的周围。
- Stay close together-I don't want anyone to get lost. 紧紧靠在一起,我不想把谁给丢了。
- I will stay close with you when you are feeling lonely. 当你孤单时,你可以将我紧紧拥抱。
- Musashi! Let me help you! I can heal you if you stay close. 武藏!让我协助你!如果你靠近我,我能帮你回复。
- Whatever I go through in life, YOU stay close to me. 生命中无论我经历什麽,你在靠近我。
- Or we can stay close to the ranch in nearby Levengood Gulch . 或者我们可以呆在干谷峡谷附近农场的周围。
- It's thought that cowboys stay closer to nature. 人们认为牛仔生活贴近大自然。
- The shop will stay closed in the next few days. 这家店今后几天将不营业。
- The window doesn't stay closed unless you wedge it. 这扇窗户关不严, 得用楔子插上了。
- One cub was pretty timid and stayed close to mom. 其中一头漂亮,胆小,且常常停留在她母亲身边。
- The kitten stays close to its owner. 小猫伏贴在主人的身边。
- Please do not be sad, upset or resentful when I lean on you. Stay close to me. 当我靠近你时,不要觉得感伤、生气或埋怨,你要紧挨着我。
- Please don't be sad, upset or resentful when I lean on you. Stay close to me. 当我靠近你时,不要觉得感伤、气或埋怨,你要紧挨着我。
- Please don't be sad ,upste or resentful when I lean on you ,Stay close to me. 当我靠近你时,不要觉得感伤,生气或埋怨,你要紧挨着我,