- Study on Stem Apex Tissue Culture of Zingiber officinale Rosc. And the Control of Contamination Rate 生姜茎尖组织培养和污染率控制的研究
- Stem apex tissue culture 生姜
- Tissue culture of stem apex and shoot rapid propagation of ginger 姜茎尖的离体培养与试管苗快繁
- De-virus and rapid propagation of Zingiber officinale cv. Xiaohuang ginger from Luoping, Yunnan, by the tissue culture of stem apices 云南罗平小黄姜的茎尖脱毒组培快繁
- Shoot apex tissue culture 茎尖培养
- Tissue Culture of Stem Segment and Plantlet Regeneration of Ficus pumila L. 薜荔茎段的组织培养与植株再生技术。
- Tissue Culture of Alyssum maritimum(L.) Lam. Alyssum maritimum(L.;) lam
- Studies on Tissue Culture of Wild Rubus L. 野生树莓组织培养技术研究。
- Studies on the Tissue Culture of Abies concolor. 科罗拉多冷杉组织培养技术研究。
- Leaves usually crowded at stem apex; petiole 1-3 mm. Female peduncle 1-2 cm. Female perianth lobes glabrous at apex. Achene verrucose. 叶通常在茎先端密集的;叶柄1-3毫米.;雌花序梗1-2厘米。雌花花被裂片无毛的在先端。瘦果多疣
- Progress of the Tissue Culture of Pistacia vera L. 阿月浑子组织培养技术研究进展。
- TISSUE CULTURE OF Amygdalus communis L. 巴旦杏的组织培养。
- The Effect of Light on Tissue Culture of A. Vera L. 光照对美国芦荟组培苗生长的影响。
- Study on Stem-tip Tissue Culture for Aloe vera L. 库拉索芦荟茎尖培养技术研究。
- Study on Tissue Culture of Achillea alpina L. 蓍草组织培养的研究。
- Study on Tissue Culture of Gasteria spp. 白云卧牛组织培养的研究。
- The five hormones expressed the likely distribution in cucumber. Their contents is all high in up and young tissues ( stem apex, up leaf) higher and is lower in down tissues ( except ETH and ABA). 五种激素在黄瓜体内表现出相似的分布,都是在上部幼嫩组织(茎尖、上叶)含量较高,而在下部组织中含量较低。
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Lilium spp. 青山百合的组织培养与快速繁殖。
- Leaf buttress A leaf primordium, appearing as a protuberance on the side of the stem apex, produced by periclinal division of the tunica and corpus, and associated with a procambium. 叶原座:顶端分生组织上的侧生突起发育成叶的原基,与原形成层有关。
- Tissue Culture of Asarum maximum Hemsl. 大花细辛的组织培养。