- Stephen Wootton Bushell 卜士礼(1844-1908),英国人,医生,曾在驻华使馆工作,精通中国文物。
- Bushell, Stephen Wootton 卜士礼
- He measures another's corn by his own bushel. 用自己的标准衡量别人; 以己度人。
- We have a bushel of things to do today. 今天我们有许多事情要做。
- Stephen carried the world before him with his new invention. 斯蒂芬克服重重困难,作出了一项新的发明。
- Stephen used a highly successful come-on when she sold her house. 斯蒂芬出售她的房子时招引买主的手法十分高超。
- He is a man who always hides his light under a bushel. 他是一个锋芒不外露的人。
- Stephen's behaviour occasioned his parents much anxiety. 斯蒂芬的行为使其父母十分担心。
- Stephen is bound to last out at his only daughters' wedding. 斯蒂芬必定要在他独生女儿结婚时花一大笔钱。
- Stephen acknowledged Henry as (ie recognized his claim to be) his heir. 斯蒂芬接受亨利为他的继承人。
- We've developed the project from an original idea by Stephen. 我们根据斯蒂芬的设想制定了这个计划。
- Corn shot up to seventy-three cents a bushel. 谷物猛涨到一蒲式耳七十三美分。
- Wheat averages 56 pounds to a bushel. 小麦平均 56 磅为一蒲式耳。
- I've been on good terms with Stephen ever since he married my sister. 自从斯蒂芬取了我妹妹后,我一直同他关系很好。
- He may well measure your corn by his bushel. 他很可能以小人之心度君子之腹。
- Don't measure other's corn with your own bushel. 不要以己度人。
- Stephen catches sight of a table near the window. 斯蒂芬看见靠窗有张空桌位。
- More words will not fill a bushel. 口惠与事无补。
- Stephen opened the door and the cat whipped in. 斯蒂芬打开门,这只猫一闪而入。
- A container with the capacity of a bushel. 一蒲式耳容量的容器