- Stibium Natrium Tartaricum 酒石酸锑钠
- stibium natrium dimercaptosuccinicum [医] 二巯基丁二酸钠锑, 锑五八
- natrium tartaricum [医] 酒石酸钠
- Potassium Natrium Tartaricum 酒石酸钾钠
- Humic acerbity natrium how assay? 腐植酸钠如何化验?
- Does loose natrium of head Bao music treat lymphatic infection? 头孢曲松钠治疗淋巴感染么?
- Toxic to dipterex ban with bicarbonate natrium gastric lavage. 对敌百虫中毒禁用碳酸氢钠洗胃。
- Speciation of Soluble Arsenic Stibium and Selenium in Coating Paint on Toys[J]. 引用该论文 何桂华;赵建忠;郑新华;包海英.
- We are used to sanitize the sewage by liquid chlorine and natrium chlorite. 过去,对医院污水多采用液氯法和次氯酸消毒法。
- A new environmental friendly free cutting brass containing stibium instead of lead was produced by casting and rolling. 采用熔铸、轧制的方法生产出了以锑代铅的环保型无铅易切削黄铜板材。
- The experiment results show that the method is simply and efficiency for recovering stibium from lead anode slime. 试验结果表明,方法简便可行,锑回收率较高,尤其是在回收锑的同时,实现了锑与锡的分离。
- The reserves of tungsten, tin, stibium, zinc, titanium, lithium and so on are on top the world. 中国的有色金属储量丰富,品种繁多,有“有色金属王国”之称。其中钨、锡、锑、锌、钛、锂等金属的储量居世界首位。
- While sample was dissolved in aqua regia, tartaric acid as complex reagent was added in order to prevent stibium from volatilizing. 样品用王水溶解,为防止锑的挥发,加入酒石酸作为络合剂。
- Loudi owns rich mineral resources, so it is praised as "the City of Stibium", "One Hundred Coal Sea" and "Homeland of Nonferrous Metals". 娄底矿产资源丰富,素有“世界锑都”、“百里煤海”和“有色金属之乡”的美誉。
- While sample was dissolved in aqua regia,tartaric acid as complex reagent was added in order to prevent stibium from volatilizing. 样品用王水溶解,为防止锑的挥发,加入酒石酸作为络合剂。
- This tasting have chloric eduction of slow and abiding diuresis and hurried natrium Potassium and the effect that reduce blood sugar. 本品有缓慢而持久的利尿及促钠钾氯排出和降低血糖的作用。
- A method for the determination of lead in stibium concentrates by flame atomic absorption spectrometry has been described in this paper. 本文介绍了火焰原子吸收光谱法测定锑精矿中铅。
- Methods Kalium(K),Natrium(Na) and Chloride(Cl) were analyzed by Olympus-2700,AVL-9130 and Vitros-350 analyzer. 方法分别用Olympus-2700生化分析仪、Av1-9130电解质分析仪、VITROS-350干式化学分析仪测定相关项目后分析结果。
- Fagopyrum tartaricum Gaertn. [医] 苦荞麦