- Stipa roborowskyin. 昆仑针茅
- The result shows that Stipa bungeana Trin., Artemisia sacrorum Ledeb. 结果表明:本氏针茅、铁杆蒿和百里香是该区的优势种。
- A tough, wiry grass(Stipa tenacissima) of northern Africa, yielding a fiber used in making paper and as cordage. 细茎针茅草一种产于北非的坚韧结实的草(细茎针茅针茅属),其所产生的纤维可用于制造纸张和绳索
- Effects of grazing intensity on plant diversity and aboveground biomass of Stipa baicalensis grassland. 放牧对贝加尔针茅草原群落植物多样性和生产力的影响。
- The Quantities of Seed Setting in Fenced and Freely Grazed Areas in Stipa baicalensis Steppe, Inner Mongolia. 贝加尔针茅草原围栏封育和自由放牧条件下植物结实数量的研究。
- A tough,wiry grass(Stipa tenacissima)of northern Africa,yielding a fiber used in making paper and as cordage. 细茎针茅草一种产于北非的坚韧结实的草(细茎针茅针茅属),其所产生的纤维可用于制造纸张和绳索
- The steppe dominanted by Stipa grandis is one of the zonal type in mid- dle part of Nei Monggol(Inner-Mongolia). 大针茅(Stipa grandis)草原是内蒙古中部地带性草原类型之一。
- Rust of Stipa bungeana, caused by Uredo sp., is the main disease in the steppe region of Gansu east. 摘要长芒草锈病是陇东典型草原的主要病害,本试验对不同发病程度长芒草株高、地上生物量及品质进行了测定。
- Title: The variation characters of N2O and CH4 fluxes in Stipa grandis grassland in Inner Mongolia. 关键词:大针茅草原;温室气体;通量;日变化;季节变化
- Grass is the main alkaline grass, Stipa, ice grass, high-quality forage, is the best cattle and sheep grazing land. 主要草种有碱草、针茅、冰草,牧草质量高,是牛羊最理想的放牧地。
- Leymus chinensis and Stipa grandis are dominant species with a wide distribution in the Inner Mongolian steppes. 羊草和大针茅是内蒙古典型草原地带性分布的优势种。
- The Stipa Klemenzii formation is a special formation of desert steppe orthozone in the central section of Asian. 本文介绍了克里门茨针茅这一亚洲中部荒漠草原带的特有群系在锡林浩特市典型草原带有相当面积的分布这一事实。
- Title: Field inoculation effect of AM fungi on Tibet plateau Stipa bungeana grassland. 关 键 词: AM真菌;野外接种;菌根效应;
- Zhang SY,Li DX.Effect of grazing to underground productivity and nitrogen turnover of Stipa breviflora steppe[J].Grassland of China,1997,(1):13-18. [9]张淑艳;李德新.;放牧对短花针茅草原地下部分生产力及氮素周转率的影响[J]
- Han B,Wang J,Zhao M L,Xu Z X,Suo P F.Genetic differentiation of Stipa krylovii in different degraded soil[J].Acta Agrestia Sinica,2003,(6):146-153. [1]韩冰;王俊;赵萌莉;许志信;索培芬.;退化梯度对克氏针茅种群遗传分化的影响[J]
- Meng J,Chen S H.Ecological characteristics of Stipa Krylovii[J].Journal of Inner Mongolia Institute of Agriculture &Animal Husbandry,1997,(3):33-37. [3]孟君;陈世璜.;克氏针茅繁殖的生态生物学特性[J]
- I found from the Internet:the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau fit to plant Kobresia pygmaea, Carex pseudo foelide,Stipa purea, etc. 我从网上查到:青藏高原适合种植高山蒿草,无味苔草,紫花针茅等植物。
- Among 5 diseases, smut occurred commonly on the pasture of Stipa grandis in northern of Xilinhot in 1998, the other 4 diseases occurred very little in the same area. 这5种病害均属国内新发现的大针茅病害,其中穗黑粉病1998年在锡林浩特以北某些大针茅草场上发生较为普遍,其他仅有少量或微量发生。
- Caragana landscape, Stipa landscape and Allium polyrrhizum landscape occupied the most important positions;other landscape types were in less important positions. 锦鸡儿景观、针茅景观和多根葱景观占据着主要地位,其它草地景观居于次要地位;