- Strategic Technology Office Information Analysis Center 战略技术处情报分析中心
- Strategic Technology Office Information System Center 战略技术处情报系统中心
- Strategic Technology Office 战略技术处
- Verspagen, B., Geert, C., Duysters. The small world of strategic technology alliances [ J ] . Technovation, 2004, (24) : 563 - 571. 袁磊.;战略联盟合作伙伴的选择分析[J]
- Fourthly, the paper improves SDC model by using another kind of strategic technology spillover which in essence shortens the patent race. 四是用缩短专利竞赛的技术溢出拓展了SDC模型,即企业可以利用技术溢出策略达到双赢的目的。
- On modelling, the main feature of every furniture and technology office behoove are consistent. 在造型上,每件家具的主要特征和工艺处理应一致。
- Spark Technology Spark Technology Office awarded the 20th anniversary of the advanced state of collective honor. 科技局星火办荣获国家科技部星火20周年先进集体荣誉称号。
- Bob Dobbin, Chief technology officer for DaTARIUS, expla ins. DaTARIUS公司的技术总监鲍勃·多宾(BobDobbin)对此进行了解释。
- Firstly, the thesis amends the assumption of SDC model, because SDC model believes the competitor will not make a spillover.The thesis finds the new characteristics of strategic technology spillover. 一是修正了SDC模型假设,论文通过分析指出原模型对第二阶段竞争对手技术溢出行为的忽略,从而通过修正重新推定了策略性技术溢出的特性;
- Rafael Luque is Chief Technology Officer and cofounder of Orange Soft. 公司的首席技术官和合作创办人。
- Web Technology offical website stands for the Web technology Chengdu. 成都韦伯科技成都韦伯科技有限公司官方网站。
- What is a CTO? he asks.A chief technology officer or chief talent officer? 比如谁能分清楚“CTO”究竟是首席技术长还是首席人才长?
- The software and high-tech enterprises will be considered first for the three kinds of outlays offered by the Guangdong Science and Technology Office and the High-tech Industrial Area. 园区可为入园企业的工商注册登记、以及其它相关业务提供一条龙全方位代理服务或信息服务;
- Maxwell K. Riggsbee, Jr. Chief Technology Officer of Software Strategy Maxwell K. Riggsbee, Jr. 软件战略首席技术官。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- He started out as a Technology Intern and has now become the Chief Technology Officer. 开始是技术见习,现在已成为首席技术官。
- Dan Wolfson is a Distinguished Engineer and Chief Technology Officer in business integration in the IBM software group. Dan Wolfson是IBM软件小组在业务集成方面的著名工程师和主要技术官员。
- Strategic Technology International Fort Washington, MD 华盛顿国际战略科技机构
- Lovejoy was chief technology officer at security vendor, Consul Risk Management, which IBM acquired last year. 勒福乔是行政技术人员,在安全厂商,领事风险管理,ibm公司去年收购了。
- A strategic attack aimed at the enemy's jugular. 以敌人要害为目标的一次战略性进攻