- Stratified ore bodies 层状矿体
- Gold ore bodies formed by every pulse and mant... 为本区的地质找矿提供了一个明显的找矿标志。
- Ore bodies are tabular or tabularoid. 矿体呈板状、似板状。
- The ore bodies are controlled by tectonic-altered zones of NW striking faults. 金矿化围岩蚀变包括硅化、黄铁绢英岩化、绢云母化、钾化、绿泥石化、碳酸盐化等。
- Some large ore bodies in this environment at Selukwe Peak mine and elsewhere have been mylonitized almost completely. 在塞卢奎峰矿山等一些地方某些大的矿产在这种环境中,并几乎彻底被糜棱岩化。
- In many parts of the ore bodies the schlieren ore shows a very characteristic flow structure. 在矿体的许多部位,异离体矿石表明有非常特征性的流动构造。
- The ore bodies as usual maitain high graded close to the granite and great thickened far away from it. 一般离岩体较远的部位硼矿石的品位较富,但靠近岩体的部位矿体较厚大。
- Porphyry mineralization,occurred in the Silurian Period,finally formed ore bodies. 晚期矿化发生于志留纪,使矿床最终形成。
- More attentions should be paid to the deep mylonite-type ore bodies in the future work. 因此本区以后的找矿工作中应注意挖掘深部糜棱岩型金矿的潜力。
- The ore bodies are developed with silicification, chloritization and calcitization. 金矿体中硅化、绿泥石化、方解石化发育。
- Although there are 60 tin-bearing greisen veins,only a few of them form the main ore bodies. 共圈出含锡云英岩脉60余条,但主矿体却只有少数几条。
- Yinshan lead zinc deposit lies in the Presinian strata.The ore bodies occur in phyllite,are controlled by fault. 银山铅锌矿床产于前震旦系地层中,容矿围岩主要为千枚岩,矿体呈脉状受构造裂隙控制。
- Copper ore bodies were discovered and have been explored in Jingtieshan lron Ore De-posit. 镜铁山铁矿中新近发现并正在进行铜矿的勘探。
- The formation of ore bodies is controlled by stratum,structure,magmatic rocks,physiochemical conditions and so on. 矿体的形成受地层、构造、岩浆岩及物化条件等综合控制。
- By the end of 2005,15 industry ore bodies had been compartmentalized in the Zhaishang gold mining area. 至2005年底,寨上金矿区共圈定15个工业矿体,矿区规模达到大型,而该区外围工作一直没有展开。
- It shows a double-layed structure with extensive alteration zoning at bottom of ore bodies and mineraliza... 矿床有双层结构,下部有强烈的围岩蚀变分带,矿体内有矿化分带。
- First we adopt stream sediment sampling to circle Au anomaly then carry out soil geochemistry survey to reduce target area, finally geological prospect to locate gold ore bodies. 先采用水系沉积物测量圈出异常,然后进行土壤(岩石)测量缩小靶区,最后进行地质普查,发现金矿(化)体。
- The ore bodies are strictly controlled by SN and NNW trend fault and the wall rocks and the intrusive rocks are involved in the mineralization. 金矿体严格受SN和NNW向断裂控制,围岩和侵入岩参与了成矿作用。
- The Nibao gold deposit in Guizhou consists of multistory gold ore bodies,each of which is closely associated with the Permian volcaniclastic rocks. 泥堡金矿具多层含矿特征,各层金矿体均与二叠系火山碎屑岩密切相关。
- The ore bodies were controlled by ductile shear metamorphic deformation belt,the genesis of the deposit is a superimposed... 矿体受韧性剪切变形变质带控制,矿床成因为变质热液与岩浆热液叠加的复合型。