- Structural fracture zone 构造破碎带
- Research and application of the technique of stopping the drainage hole quickly by chemical method in the structure fracture zone 应用化学法在构造裂隙带快速封堵抽放钻孔技术的研究与应用
- The NNE-trending Haogangling fault and the NNW-trending fracture zone in the hanging wall of the fault form the basic structural framework of the ore district. 北北东向豪岗岭断裂与其上盘的北北西向断裂破碎带组成矿区基本构造格架。
- The fracture in studied area can he divided into diagenetic micro-facture, weathering fracture and structural fracture. 研究区的裂缝可以划分为岩微裂隙、风化裂隙和构造裂缝3种类型。
- The fracture zone carries copper and nickel near the layered intrusion but only copper at some distance from it. 裂隙带在接近层状侵入体处含有铜镍,而在距侵入体较远处,只含有铜。
- Fractured zone has a crudity surface with a pitch. 断裂带表面粗糙,并带有斜度。
- The formation of structural fracture and fault (or fault remobilization) is closely related to the earthquake. 震源应力场是构造应力场不可分割的一部分。
- It is a highly permeable and dilatant structure thus a ore-fluid leading and accumulation and ore-host fracture zone. 高渗透性和高扩容性的断层破碎带是导矿、配矿、容矿的控矿构造;
- During the whole history of earth development, structural fracture system and dissolved pores have been major channels for unconformity oil transport. 在地史时期,构造裂缝系统和溶蚀孔洞系统一直是不整合输导油气的主要通道;
- This gold deposit is located on the west of Huaxiongtai promontory and the north of Machaoying fracture zone. 九丈沟金矿床矿区位于华熊台隆西缘,马超营断裂带北侧。
- The Songliao Basin experienced the extensional and reversal tectonic stages, which resulted in a complex structural fracture system. 松辽盆地主要经历了伸展构造期和反转构造期两个构造时期,形成了复杂的构造裂缝组系。
- According to the researchresult, the tectonite consists of mylonite and cataclasite in the fracture zone. 断裂带的构造岩以糜棱岩和碎裂岩为主。
- Favorable volcanic facies,efflorescence and structural fracture are three major controlling factors of favorable volcanic reservoir. 近火山口有利岩相带中,风化淋滤溶蚀作用和构造裂缝是营城组火山岩储层形成有利储集空间的主要控制因素。
- The procedure and method of TBM quickly driving across fracture zone are presented in this paper. 主要论述了TBM (隧道掘进机 )快速通过断层破碎带的方法和步骤。
- The nonexposure of the fracture zone means that additional devascularization of bone fragments is avoided. 不暴露骨折区意味着避免格外骨折块失活。
- For the gentle dip orebody of fracture zone type, a couple of filling method are suitable to be employed. 本文根据鱼儿山金矿缓倾斜破碎带型矿体开采试验中情况;
- The lithology of Archaeozoic metamorphic buried hill mainly includes migmalite, biotite pla-giogneiss, with structural fracture as major reservoir space. 其结果:该区太古界变质岩古潜山的岩性主要为浅粒岩、浅粒质混合岩、黑云母斜长片麻岩等;
- The structural spaces resulting from the faulted fracture zones significantly control the endogenetic gold deposits in Hubei province. 断裂破碎带形成的构造空间,对湖北内生金矿具有重要控制作用。
- Main reservoir spaces in subaerial volcanic rocks are primary pore, condensing shrinkage joint, secondary dissolution pore, cleavage fissure in mineral and structural fracture. 水下喷发火山岩多为具玻璃质结构的熔岩和含晶屑玻屑的层/沉凝灰岩、膨润土/伊利石岩/蒙脱石岩/沸石岩;
- Clear ship movements of the fractured zone are observed by extensometers. 用延伸仪曾观测到断裂区有清楚的滑动。