- Suborder Lophogastridan. 疣背糠虾亚目
- A primate of the suborder Prosimii. 原猴亚目中的灵长动物
- A mammal of the suborder Pinnipedia. 鳍脚亚目哺乳动物
- A member of the suborder Ophidia or Serpentes; a snake. 蛇亚目蛇或毒蛇的一种;一条蛇
- A member of the suborder Ophidia or Serpentes;a snake. 蛇亚目蛇或毒蛇的一种;
- The smallest foot fin is the suborder of animals fur seal Galapagos Islands. 最小的鳍脚亚目动物是加拉帕戈斯群岛海狗。
- Any of various insects of the order Hemiptera and esp. of the suborder Heteroptera. 各种半翅目特别是异翅亚目的昆虫。
- A bird, especially one of the suborder Oscines of passerine birds, having a melodious song or call. 燕雀:一种鸟,尤其指雀形目鸟中鸣禽亚目中的一种,其歌声或叫声宛啭动听。
- Any of the smaller fishes of the suborder Scombroidea,such as the Spanish mackerel. 马鲛鲭亚目的体积较小的鱼的任一种,如马鲛。
- Of,relating to,or belonging to the Oscines,a large suborder of passerine birds that includes most songbirds. 鸣禽类的鸣禽类的、与鸣禽类有关的或属于鸣禽类的,该类包括多数歌鸟雀形目鸟的一个大亚目
- Of or belonging to the Prosimii,a suborder of primates that includes the lemurs,lorises,and tarsiers. 原猴亚目的是或属于灵长目(包括狐猴)的一个亚目一原猴亚目的。
- Any of the smaller fishes of the suborder Scombroidea, such as the Spanish mackerel. 马鲛鲭亚目的体积较小的鱼的任一种,如马鲛
- Pre-Euparkeria Archosauriformes were in the past included in the suborder Proterosuchia of the order Thecodontia. 早于派克鳄的初龙形动物,在过去被划分为槽齿目的古鳄亚目。
- Of or belonging to the Prosimii, a suborder of primates that includes the lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers. 动物的一个目,包含狐猴眼镜猴猴子猿及人类。
- Of, relating to, or belonging to the Oscines, a large suborder of passerine birds that includes most songbirds. 鸣禽类的鸣禽类的、与鸣禽类有关的或属于鸣禽类的,该类包括多数歌鸟雀形目鸟的一个大亚目
- Tridactylidae was divided firstly as a suborder,which differs from the recent taxonomy distinctly. 蚤蝼科为独立的一支,最先分出,似为一个亚目,与现用的分类系统有明显差别;
- Erythrosuchidae were formerly classified as Thecodonts of the suborder Proterosuchia. 引鳄科原先被分类到槽齿目的古鳄亚目。
- Be born in the river, long smelt belongs to suborder of redfish form eye, redfish, smelt to belong to in the sea. 河里生,海里长香鱼属于鲑形目、鲑亚目、香鱼属。香鱼科在我国仅有一属一种,实为“独生子女”。
- An order of hooved mammals of the subclass Eutheria (including pigs and peccaries and hippopotami and members of the suborder Ruminantia) having an even number of functional toes. 有蹄哺乳动物的一目,属于真兽亚纲(包含猪、野猪、河马和反刍亚目的成员),功能脚趾为偶数。
- Of or relating to the Percoidea,a large suborder of spiny - finned fishes that includes the perches,sunfishes,groupers,and grunts. 刺盖太阳鱼两种产于北美的可食用太阳鱼,包括暗斑刺盖太阳鱼(黑刺日鱼)或刺盖太阳鱼(白刺日鱼)