- Subsistence Support Officer 维护支援官员
- Area sales teams, key account sales and techncal support officer. 区域销售队伍,大客户销售和技术支持。
- Area sales support teams, key account sales support and technical support officer. 区域销售支持队伍,大客户销售支持和技术支持。
- The minimum subsistence support line 最低生活保障线
- Carol Jin is Sales and Marketing Support Officer who is responsible for marketing supporting activities in APAC. 靳宏是市场及销售支持专员,她负责亚太区的市场方面的相关支持性工作。
- Are there field support offices near where your project is developed and hosted? 他们有距离开发和承载您的项目的地方比较近的办公室吗?
- Community support officers are also being drafted in to provide extra uniformed patrols on the Tube system. 为了给地铁系统提供额外的身着制服的巡逻队,目前正在被招收社会志愿者。
- Since February 2008 SwissTex Winterthur AG has opened a new sales and support office in Shanghai, China. 2008年2月瑞士温特图尔纺织股份公司在上海成立了一个全新的销售和售后服务办事处。
- Since the current government procurement support office suite was barely able to eke out an existence. 目前由于政府采购的支持,办公套件才得以勉强度日。
- How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? 他们这点工资怎么糊口?
- Subsistence is not possible in such conditions. 在这种情况下是无法生存的。
- Look for a list of third-party books written to support Office Publisher 2007 on the Office Publisher home page, when they become available. 可以在Office Publisher主页上查找为支持Office Publisher 2007而编写的第三方书籍列表(如果提供)。
- Office Automation The Department continued to expand its computer network to support office automation and end-user computing. 本局继续扩展工作站网络,以支援办公室自动化及终端机用户的电脑应用。
- Department of Army Logistics Support Officer 陆军部后勤支援军官
- Fleet Maintenance Support Officer 舰队保养支援官
- People in the far north subsist chiefly(mainly) on fish and meat. 居住在遥远北方的人们主要以鱼类和肉类为生。
- The living thing on the earth can not subsist on mars. 地球上的生物不可能在火星上生存。
- Integrated Logistic Support Officer 综合后勤支援官
- Information Services Support Officer 信息服务支援官
- Corporate Support Officer (General Officer) 行政辅助员(总办事处)