- Sugarcane germplasm resource 甘蔗种质资源
- Research progress of the germplasm resource of Elymus L. 披碱草属种质资源研究进展。
- Title: Research progress of the germplasm resource of Elymus L. 关键词:披碱草属;种质资源;系统学分类;遗传多样性
- The relationship between the content of free proline(Fpro) in the leaf of Saccharum spontaneum L.and Sclerostachya in basic sugarcane germplasm(BSG),which came from different growth sites and low temperature,and its growth location was researched. 研究了来自不同原生地甘蔗近缘野生种割手密、斑茅无性系叶片中游离脯氨酸(Fpro)的含量及其与低温的关系。
- The result showed that there are abundant drought-resistant diversity in locale maize germplasm resource of Guizhou. 结果表明:贵州玉米地方种质资源存在丰富的抗旱多样性。
- Study on cold endurance of sugarcane germplasm 甘蔗种质耐寒性试验研究
- It pointed out that standard of Pooideae germplasm resource draft can be referred. 指出了制定早熟禾亚科相关标准借鉴之处。
- Common wild rice was important germplasm resource for hereditary improvement of cultivated rice. 摘要[目的]普通野生稻是栽培稻遗传改良的重要种质资源。
- Study on Genetic Diversity of Germplasm Resources of Lolium L. 黑麦草属种质资源遗传多样性研究。
- Study on the Diversity of Germplasm Resources of Dolichos lablab L. 扁豆种质资源多样性的研究。
- Investigation of germplasm resources of Actinidia in Guangxi. 广西猕猴桃种质资源调查研究.
- Objective To introduce the progress on Flos Lonicerae in germplasm resource,chemical composition and fingerprint in the last five years. 目的介绍近5年来金银花种质资源、化学成分及指纹图谱的研究进展。
- The object of using parasitic germplasm resource is to raise the technical level to control parsitosis for domestic animal and poultry. 家畜、家禽寄生虫虫种资源利用的根本目的是提高畜禽寄生虫病的控制技术水平。
- Cynodon dactylon) perennial grass, distributoing widely in the world, with abundant variation, was an important turfgrass germplasm resource. 狗牙根为多年生草本植物,世界上分布极广,具有丰富的遗传变异,是宝贵的草坪草种质资源。
- Crop germplasm enhancement is the key factor for effective utilization of germplasm resource and the basis for breeding project. 种质创新是作物种质资源有效利用的前提和关键,是顺利开展作物遗传育种工作的基础和保证。
- After natural frost,the frost-resistance of sugarcane germplasms were appraised on the live buds. The result showed that there were 7 high resistant,13 comparatively high resistant,37 moderately resistant,56 susceptible ones in 113 germplasms. 经过自然霜冻后,根据活芽率进行甘蔗种质耐霜性鉴定,结果表明,113个种质中,耐霜性强的7个,较强的13个,中的37个,弱的56个。
- Advances in Research of Germplasm Resources and Breeding of Dispyros kaki L. 柿种质资源及育种研究进展。
- RAPD Fingerprints of wild Germplasm Resources of Polygonum multilorum Thunb. 何首乌野生种质资源的RAPD指纹图谱构建。
- Natural Gramineous forage germplasm resource is very abundant in Gansu Province.There are 74 genus, 237 species.Most of them are mesophytic herbage, and with high feeding value. 摘要甘肃省有丰富的禾本科野生牧草资源,经整理共有74属、237种,以多年生、中生草本植物为主,绝大多数具有较高的饲用价值。
- Protection and Research of Forage Grass Germplasm Resources in Australia. 澳大利亚牧草种质资源的保护与研究