- The article says people who take extreme risks are motivated by suicidal tendencies. 文章说做极端冒险的人是受到自杀倾向的驱使.
- Love is the most powerful antidote against criminal, morbid, and suicidal tendencies;against hate, fear, and psychoneuroses. (爱是对付犯罪倾向、自杀倾向和病态的最强药方。)
- Why invigorative does wrong person have suicidal tendency? 为什么有精神失常的人有自杀倾向?
- Does dot solution discover he has suicidal tendency recently? 点解最近发现自己有自杀倾向?
- The stranger that how can you dissuade to there is suicidal tendency (female) ? 你会怎样劝阻一个有自杀倾向的陌生人(女)?
- That besides suicidal tendency, other have basically, can you be certainly is there slight depressed disease? 那除了自杀倾向,其他的都基本具备,能确定为有轻微的抑郁症吗?
- When you discover you have suicidal tendency, how can near remove this kind of psychology. ? 当你发现自己有自杀倾向的时候;迩会怎样解除这种心理.;?
- His new magazine has anarchic tendencies. 他的新杂志有无政府主义倾向。
- Suicidal tendencies 自杀倾向
- They sounded a sharp warning against all these tendencies. 对於这种种倾向,他们发出了严厉的警告。
- He had clear homicidal tendencies. 他有明显的杀人倾向。
- One can't reckon on suicidal madness in the enemy. 谁也估计不到敌人会有近于自杀的疯狂行为。
- Cadres should guard against sectarian tendencies. 干部应该防止宗派主义的倾向。
- He looked depressed, even suicidal. 她看上去非但神情沮丧,甚至可以说像要自杀似的。
- One cannot reckon on suicidal madness in the enemy. 谁也估计不到敌人会有近于自杀的疯狂行为。
- He disciplined my anarchic tendencies. 他对我的种种无政府主义倾向加以约束。
- On bad days I even felt suicidal. 赶上不顺的日子,我都觉得不想活了。
- There were still many bad tendencies. 还存在着许多不良倾向。
- It may be suicidal, but there it is. 这也许是作茧自缚,但是事实如此。
- Coming home from work masochistic tendencies. 施虐倾向