- Suleiman Nyambui 尼安布伊
- McCormack said Rice spoke by telephone Monday with Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman. 麦克马克说赖斯星期一致电埃及情报局长奥玛.;苏雷蒙。
- The proposal will be presented by Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman, who is due to visit Israel on Monday. 定于星期一访问以色列的埃及情报部门负责人苏莱曼将提交这项提议。
- The other main contender is General Omar Suleiman, who has run the intelligence service since 1991. 而另一位主要竞争者奥马尔从1991年开始担任情报部部长,对于每一个区域问题的解决都有贡献。
- The statement said that during the meeting, Hale discussed with Suleiman to strengthen the political and military cooperation in the field. 声明说,在会晤期间,苏莱曼同黑尔讨论了加强政治和军事领域合作的问题。
- At a special session in Cairo, they endorsed the choice of army chief General Michel Suleiman as Lebanese president, and called for his immediate election. 在开罗的一次特别会议上,外长们通过了推选陆军总司令苏莱曼为黎巴嫩总统的决定,并要求立即选举他为总统。
- Suleiman, greatest of all Ottoman Emperors (Rhodes), legislator, educator, builder (Sinan) and worthy opponent of the Hapsburg.With his son the slow decline began. 在奥斯曼帝国苏莱曼大帝领导下,土耳其达到光辉强盛的顶点,他是一名立法者,教育家,建筑家并被哈布斯堡王朝视为值得尊敬的对手。
- President Michael Suleiman, who is expected to win the support of unaffiliated members of parliament could tip the balance in favor of one side or the other. 星期天议会选举的结果将在星期一正式公布。这次选举是2005年以来的第一次。很多分析人士预期,选举结果将是各派旗鼓相当,从而导致黎巴嫩成立某种形式的联合政府。
- At the outset, particularly during the reign of Sultan Suleiman, known in Arabic as "the Law maker," but better known as Suleiman the Magnificent, Jerusalem flourished. 在开始的时候,尤其是在苏丹苏莱曼皇帝统治期间,被称为是阿拉伯的“律法制造者”,但是在耶路撒冷繁荣的时候,苏莱曼大帝更为世人所知。
- Clinton met with President Michel Suleiman, but pointedly avoided meeting other political figures to avoid giving the impression the United States is supporting them. 克林顿国务卿会晤了黎巴嫩总统苏莱曼,并明智地决定不同其他政界人物会晤,以免给人留下美国支持这些人的印象。
- S.government during this trip.Despite his unofficial tour of the region, Mr.Carter met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Egypt's intelligence chief Omar Suleiman. 尽管他对中东地区的这次访问是非官方的,卡特还是会晤了埃及总统穆巴拉克,以及埃及情报部门总监苏莱曼。
- In this view, General Suleiman, aged 73, would become president in a constitutional coup, which Mr Harb hopes might then prompt a transition to more democratic politics. 根据这种观点,现年73岁的苏莱曼将军会在政变后成为总统。哈布期望政变能够促进埃及向更民主的政治方向转变。
- The United States maintains relations with the Lebanese government of President Michel Suleiman but does not interact with ministries in the unity cabinet that are controlled by Hezbollah. 杜吉德说,在英国首相布朗这个星期早些时候访问华盛顿时,英国官员在采取上述外交动作之前先与美国进行了沟通。
- Following a meeting with Lebanese President Michel Suleiman, Mr.Biden told a joint news conference the U.S. is not backing any party in Lebanon's June 7 parliamentary election.He said the U. 拜登在结束和黎巴嫩总统米歇尔.;苏莱曼的会议之后,在联合记者会上说,在6月7日黎巴嫩的议会选举中,美国将不会支持任何一党。
- Suleiman I [Ottoman-Turkey, 1496?-1566] 苏里曼一世[鄂图曼土耳其]
- M Suleiman, J Larfeldt, B Leckner, et al. Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity of Wood. Wood Science and Technology, 1999, 33(3): 465-473 王玉芝.;木材热物性测试的理论与试验研究:[硕士论文]
- SALIH, Hussein Suleiman Abu 侯赛因·苏莱曼·阿布·萨利赫
- Suleiman 苏莱曼
- Suleiman (I) 苏利曼一世(1499-1566),奥斯曼帝国苏丹(1520-1566)
- Mohammed Ahmed Suleiman 苏莱曼