- Wu low low phosphorus iron ore, high quality. 武安铁矿石低硫低磷,品质优良。
- High calcium lime with a low phosphorus content is required for the process. 此过程还需要含磷量低的高钙石灰。
- Super low profile small jick,convenient for delicate work such as fine adjusting or centering of heavy machinery. 安装重物件时,微量调整和调整轴心位置等工作,非常方便。
- The Andean genotypes would not be readily utilized for their low yield potential in spite of their demonstrated ability of low phosphorus tolerance. 所以安第斯基因型虽有一定的耐低磷能力,但因其产量潜力较低而难以被直接利用。
- Root gravitropic responses are adaptive, inheritable traits induced by low phosphorus availability and other factors. 根系向地性变化可由缺磷等因素所诱导,且存在著一定的遗传变异性。
- Friction is an important factor to affect the super low speed property of continuous rotary electro hydraulic servomotor applied to simulator. 摩擦特性是影响仿真转台用连续回转电液伺服马达超低速性能的重要因素。
- It suggested that phosphorus had positive effect on the removal of pyreme in low phosphorus soil with corn AMF inoculation. 表明玉米接种混合AMF能够显著降低土壤芘残留浓度,促进土壤芘的去除。
- Wang Y,Li X L.Progress in adaptive mechanisms of different genotypic plants to low phosphorus stress[J].Eco-Agriculture Research,2000,8(4):34-36. [4]王艳;李晓林不同基因型植物低磷胁迫适应机理的研究进展[J].;生态农业研究;2000;8(4):34-36
- SLF (Super Low Frequency) transmitting antenna consists of a grid of long horizontal antenna grounded at each end and can be considered as a loop antenna. 超低频发射天线是一种环天线,了解天线周围的电流分布规律将有助于设计高性能的发射天线,提高天线的辐射能力。
- False, batteries will play a bigger part since brushless systems depend on high voltage, amps and super low internal resistance to operate as a race motor. 电池的性能无所谓错,用了无刷,电池的性能对小车的性能影响更大了。因为无刷系统需要更高的电压、更大的电流和超低的内阻,以使它表现出竞赛电机的性能。
- Methods Spraying atomized beta -cypermethrin 4.5% with super low capacity sprayer, spreading pathogenecity island emulsion 1% and using killing-cockroach chalk. 方法用超低容量喷雾器进行雾化滞留喷洒,结合涂括1%25毒力岛乳胶,投放蟑螂蚂蚁净颗粒剂和灭蟑粉笔划线。
- It can be concluded that 350U/kg phytase is enough to ensure the growth and tibia development of rearing chicks ted low phosphorus or high phytate diets. 表明低磷和高植酸日粮中添加350U/kg微生物植酸酶,可保证蛋雏鸡的生长和骨骼发育正常。
- Super low plane design.Eady installation,high preasion,super reliability and good exchanging capacity.Can be used in truck scale,motion railway scale,hopper scale and so on. 超低平面设计。稳定性好,安装方便;互换性好;高精度,高可靠性。用于汽车衡、动态轨道衡,料斗秤等电子衡器。
- It introduces the production control of low phosphorus and low carbon high silicon silicomanganese and the measures and crafts requirement of decreasing phosphorus and carbon. 论述了低磷低碳高硅锰硅合金的生产控制和降磷降碳措施以及工艺要求。
- The experimental results show that the facilities are suitable for the production of high viscosity silicone fluid and silicone rubber with super low devolatilization. 试验表明,该设备可用于生产超低挥发分的高粘度硅油和硅橡胶。
- According to variation of slag oxidizability and basicity with time, the routes of slag formation during smelting medium and low phosphorus liquid iron were discussed in detail. 为此从炉渣碱度和炉渣氧化性两个方面讨论了复吹转炉冶炼低磷铁水和磷含量较高的铁水的成渣路线。
- The technique of electromagnetic waves in SLF (Super Low Frequency) frequency band can be investigated in the light of geophysical theory combined with radio-physical theory. 超低频 (SLF)电磁波技术利用地球物理和无线电物理相结合的原理 ,由人工产生大功率电磁波信号。
- A novel water treatment agent HPMA with low phosphorus content was prepared by solution polymerization with the raw materials of maleic anhydride(MA),H2O2 and sodium phosphate. 以马来酸酐(MA)、双氧水、次磷酸盐为原料,在催化剂的作用下,采用水溶液聚合法,合成出低膦水解聚马来酸酐(HPMA)。
- With the FCW of 308L super low carbon stainless steel sheath manufactured by Tianjin Sainteagle Co.Ltd., the carbon increasing problem has been studied in this paper. 采用天津三英焊业有限责任公司首次研制成功的碳钢钢带308L超低碳不锈钢药芯焊丝,围绕药芯焊丝的增碳问题做了大量试验。
- Cromwell G. L et al. 1994 .Efficacy of phytase (Natuphostm) in low phosphorus corn-soybean meal diets for growing-finishing pigs. J.Anim Sci, 72 (sup2): 62. 韩延明等.;1995