- Surface Observation Report 水面观察报告
- Key words: confirm, observation report, projectible, entrenchment, natural kind, similarity. 关键字:验证、观察报告、可投射的、确立性、自然类、相似性。
- The surface observation reveals that the corrosion products are agglomerate and accidented. 腐蚀产物微观形貌呈团块状且凹凸不平;
- Observers report that a person usually fidgets before a dream. 观察家们报告说,一个人在做梦前总是要翻身的。
- The cause of torsional brittleness of hot-dipped prestressing steel wire was investigated by fracture surface observation, optical metallurgraphy and scanning electron microscopy. 利用宏观断口观察、光学金相和扫描电镜等手段对热浸镀预应力钢丝的扭转脆性断裂原因进行了系统的分析。
- Contrail Frequency over the United States from Surface Observations. 地面观测得到的美国飞行云发生的频率。
- The experimental methods included visual observation, Vickers' hardness test, micro-scoping, composition analysis, scanning electro-microscopy analysis and fractured surface observation. 分别进行外观观察、硬度测量、微观观察、成分分析及破断面分析。
- By using the routine sounding and surface observation data, the circulation features and physical causes for the heavy storm rain process occurred in Shaanxi on the east side of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on 8~9 June 2002 were diagnosed and analyzed. 利用常规探空和地面观测资料, 对2002年6月8~9 日发生在青藏高原东侧川陕地区的一次罕见大暴雨过程的环流特征及成因作了诊断分析。
- The scanning electron microscope had been used for surface observation of the eggs from Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti which are difficultly distinguished from each other by optical microscope. 本文对普通光学显微镜难以区分和鉴别的白蚊伊蚊和埃及伊蚊卵,以扫描电子显微镜进行了形态观察。
- From the surface observation, before the Shanghai stock market gained half of the twentieth big heavyweights, China Life, the Datong-Qinhuangdao railway, CITIC Securities, China Unicom and so strong. 从盘面观察,沪市前二十大权重股半数上涨,中国人寿、大秦铁路、中信证券、中国联通等均表现强劲。
- According to the surface observation of cold rolled sheet with the calculated results, the relationship between the tribological condition and the surface quality is systematically examined. 轧延后的试片表面经过观察分析后,配合前述数据的结果进行摩擦润滑状况与表面品质良否的相关性分析。
- Debrief of the Role Play Activity on the Role of the Intervention Designer and Developer Could I have some observers report on what happened in their groups? 汇报关于干预措施设计与开发者角色的角色扮演活动请旁观者将他们小组中发生的事报告给大家。
- The report is about equipotential surface. 那份报导是有关于等位面的。
- Observation Report Conversion Program 观察报告更改计划
- Monthly Throughout Observation Report 全面观察月报
- The Ge-on-insulator (GOI) structure accomplished, and the thin film Ge surface observed very rough by atomic force microscopy (AFM). 然而我们成功制作出”绝缘层上锗”,同时用原子力显微镜发现锗表面非常粗糙。
- Luminance: The apparent brightness of a light source or surface observed from a specific direction, It is measured in cd/sq.cm. Also called Brightness. 亮度:光源或物体表面在一定方向观察所显现的光亮情况。以烛光每平方厘米计。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。
- Observation Report on Germany Higher Vocational Education 德国高等职业教育考察报告