- Surveillance Summary Reports 监视综合报告
- He gave a summary report of the day's events. 他对一天的事件作了简要的报告。
- He gave a summary report of the day rs events. 他对一天的事件作了简要的报告。
- I made a summary report for the records. 我对记录内容做了扼要报告。
- Complete a monthly summary report. 每月完成一份工作总结报告。
- I drafted an Annual Summary Report this afternoon. 今天下午我草就了一篇《年度总结报告》。
- Above is the summary report by VOA correspondent Ning Xin. 以上是美国之音记者宁馨的综合报道。
- Provide routine summary reports on quality for management. 向管理层提供常规质量总结报告。
- Above is the summary report by VOA correspondent Fang Yuan. 以上是美国之音记者方远的综合报道。
- Record the actual rework effort on the Inspection Summary Report. 在评审总结报告上纪录实际的返工工作量。
- Summary Report of Medical X-Ray Digital Process System. 医用X光机数字处理系统验收总结报告。
- By default, the summary report is sorted on this report time. 默认情况下,摘要报告根据此报告时间进行排序。
- David is preparing the annual summary report of the department. 大卫在准备部门的年度总结报告。
- Grouping criteria, including aggregate functions to use for summary reports. 分组条件,包括用于摘要报告的聚合函数。
- Every participator will receive a individual report and a summary report. 参加者于能力试验结束之后将会获得个别及总结报告。
- Why are the total hits from the summary reports different from the total hits in the page hits reports? 为什么摘要报表中的总点击量与网页点击量报表中的总点击量不同?
- Study the market and write summary reports on the projects and the industry in China. 研究幕墙和门窗市场并撰写有关中国工程和产业的报告。
- Deliver Inspection Summary Report and counts of defects found and defects corrected to peer review coordinator. 向同行评审协调者提交评审总结报告及发现的缺陷数和改正的缺陷数。
- In our environment, we only keep them for a week, but we keep compiled summary reports indefinitely, allowing for historical trend analysis. 在我们的环境中,我们只将它们保留一个周,但是我们无限期地保留已编译的摘要报表,以便进行历史趋势分析。
- Shows summary report execution information for a specific report within a specified date range. 显示指定日期范围内特定报表的报表执行摘要信息。