- Survey of South Korean Kendo 韩国剑道综论
- Dozens of protestors held a rally denouncing the presence of South Korean troops in Iraq. 该活动目的在指责南韩政府不愿将伊拉克境内的南韩军队撤离。
- Some people even travel to butcher's from afar to buy US beef, which is almost half the price of South Korean beef. 一些民众甚至从很远的地方赶到肉店,购买价格比国产牛肉便宜一半的美国牛肉。
- Now there is speculation* that Akie, a former DJ* and fan of South Korean television dramas, may help soften her husband's image overseas. 安倍昭惠曾做过电台dj,有点酒量,还是个韩剧迷。一些人猜测,这样一位第一夫人可能有助于改变安倍首相在国际上的保守形象。
- THOUSANDS of South Korean farmers and workers clashed with riot police yesterday at a massive rally against a free trade deal with the United States. 昨日,数万韩国农民和工人与防爆警察发生了冲突抗议美韩自由贸易协定。
- Members of South Korean Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team stand guard with an armed vehicle around the U.S. embassy in Seoul, October 12, 2004. 10月12日,两名韩国特种武器与战术小组成员在首都汉城的美国驻韩使馆附近持枪警戒。
- The demonstrations have evolved into much broader, grassroots criticism of South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's leadership style. 更加广泛的来自民间的批评加入了抗议声浪,抨击李明博总统的领导层。
- Top quality material: Firm and durable, all the leather cases are made of South Korean top quality cowhide or PVC material. 顶级材质:所有皮套均使用南韩真皮材质,表层为牛皮,内部为复合型防滑材料制成,坚固耐用。
- The channel was named after the ship HMS Beagle during its first hydrographic survey of the coasts of the southern part of South America which lasted from 1826 to 1830. 比格尔海峡,在英国皇家海军比格尔号(小猎犬号)完成第一次水文探测后,以其名字命名;这次勘测南美洲南端海岸的航行始于1826年终于1830年。
- Last year, Malaysia attracted a bevy of South Korean issuers, which sold bonds denominated in the ringgit, the Malaysian currency. 去年,马来西亚吸引了一大批韩国债券发行人,它们发行了马来西亚本币林吉特计价的债券。
- She continued her survey of the landscape. 她继续眺望景色。
- Kim Gawn-hyuck of South Korean football magazine BestElevenconfirmed that Lee had secured the ball and was planning toreturnto Seoul on Friday. 报道说,李云焕告诉甘多尔:“如果你一直保存着这只足球,它将成为你家的传家宝。
- Yesterday afternoon, the suicide of South Korean actress Choi putting him in the coffin of the real ceremony in Seoul, Samsung Medical Institute. 昨日下午,自杀身亡的韩国女演员崔真实的入棺仪式在首尔三星医疗院举行。
- South Korean investigators are still having trouble verifying fundamental details in the shooting death of South Korean tourist Park Wang-ja. 韩国调查人员仍然无法核实韩国女游客朴旺子被枪杀一案中的一些基本细节。
- North Korea has eased border restrictions to South Korea, allowing hundreds of South Korean managers to return home from a joint industrial zone. 北韩放松了对前往韩国的边境限制,允许数百名韩国管理人员从一个开城工业区返回韩国。
- A survey of the property shows that the northern boundary is not correct. 对这块地产的测量表明,它北面的边界线是不正确的。
- Facial features of the winners of South Korean beauty pageants have been changing in favor of higher foreheads and a shorter distance between lips and chin, a new study has shown. 新出炉的研究显示,南韩选美冠军的脸部特质正在转变中,以额头较高,唇与下巴间距较短的面容较吃香。
- The surveyor made a survey of the land. 测量员对土地进行了测量。
- One of South Korean famous handset merchants, we use the entirestation type animation, succinct, is natural, the fashion stylelocalization, for person an informer new feeling. 韩国著名的手机厂商之一,我们采用全站式动画,简洁、大方、时尚的风格定位,给人耳目一新的感觉。