- Swertia musstii Franch Yushu 玉树川西獐牙菜
- Title: Asymmetric somatic hybridization between Daucus carota L. and Swertia musstii Franch. 关键词:川西獐牙菜;胡萝卜;不对称体细胞杂交;同工酶;染色体
- Keywords Swertia musstii Franch;methanol-soluble;ultrasonic wave;gas chromatography-mass pectrometry; 川西獐牙菜;甲醇提取物;超声提取;气相色谱-质谱;
- Swertia musstii Franch 川西獐牙菜
- The genesis of microspore and the formation of male gametophyte in Swertia davidii Franch. 川东獐牙菜小孢子发生和雄配子体形成。
- OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of Swertia decora Franch,a traditional herb medication in China. 目的 研究我国民族药观赏獐牙菜 (SwertiadecoraFranch)的化学成分。
- Begonia tree that has simply become trees, Yushu. 那海棠树简直成了花树,玉树。
- Swertia pulchella (D.Don) Buch.-Ham. 小当药
- Swertia vacillans (Hance) Maxim. 华南当药
- Research Advance of Resource Plant Swertia L. 资源植物藏茵陈的研究进展。
- Rubia cordifolia var. stenophylla Franch. 四轮草
- Onosma paniculatum Bur.et Franch. 滇紫草
- New taxa of Swertia L. from China. 国产獐牙菜属的新分类群.
- Androsace aizoon Duly var.coccinea Franch. 红花点地梅
- Swertia binchuanensis T. N. Ho et S. W. Liu. 宾川獐牙菜
- Aristolochia moupinensis Franch. 淮通,宝兴马兜铃
- Swertia diluta (Turcz.) Benth. et Hook. 兴安獐牙菜
- Paris polyphylla Smith var.platypetala Franch. 宽瓣重楼
- Vigna vexillata Benth.var.yunnanensis Franch. 云南野豇豆
- Vigna vexillata(L.)Benth.var.yunnanensis Franch. 云南野豇豆