- Swiss Life Private Equity Partners SA 瑞士人寿私人资本伙伴有限公司
- Swiss Life Real Estate Partners SA 瑞士人寿不动产伙伴公司
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Swiss Life Insurance and Pension Company Beijing Representative Office 人寿保险和养老金公司北京代表处
- He took a trip to Swiss with his family last month. 上个月他和家人去瑞士旅行了。
- She is in the primrose of her life. 她正处在她一生的最盛期。
- They smuggled Swiss watches into China. 他们走私瑞士表进中国。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- Our life was unadulterated bliss. 我们的生活幸福极了。
- But the Swiss did not take their fate lying down. 但是瑞士人并不甘心接受被征服的命运。
- Life's primordial reality is spirit. 生命的根本真实性是精神。
- Leaving her first job was a watershed in her life. 辞去她的第一份工作是她生活中的一个转折点。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- Divers persons were present, of all stations in life. 不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。
- One's school life seems happier in retrospect than in reality. 人们的学校生活回想起来要比实际上的快乐。
- He's got a fortune tucked away in a Swiss bank account. 他把一大笔钱存在瑞士银行里了。
- Many people use education as a steppingstone to a better life. 许多人将教育作为赢得更好的生活的手段。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。