- Switches for appliances - Part 2-5: Particular requirements for change-over selectors 设备开关。第2-5部分:转换选择开关的特殊要求
- Leakage Protection Switch for Appliance 电器漏电开关
- Switches for appliances 器具开关
- Optional Door Open Alarm Switch for both doors. 可选两个门报警开关。
- Use the correct switch for your ignition? 您的?子?火器使用正?
- Switch for high and low-amperage welding. 电流强弱可二段式大调。
- Always comply with manufacturers installation instructions for appliances. 始终遵从指示电器制造安装。
- Where is the switch for the air-conditioning? 空调的开关在哪里?
- On the front of the cabinet are on-off switches for sample-feed pump. 在箱子的正面有试样进料泵的电源开关。
- Selector switches for the by-pass butterfly valve is located on MCC2. 旁通电动蝶阀的选择制设在MCC2上。
- The CAD method given in this text has already been applied to the AK-type,BK-type, WWK1-type switches for low-voltage electrical appliances. 本文所给出的CAD方法已应用于AK型,BK型,WWK-1型低压电器开关。
- Change-over switch for voltage phase-changed measuring. 电压换相测量转换开关。
- Open-close position indicator. Limit switches for remote indication. 开启-关闭位置指示器。适用于远程指示的限制开关。
- Added QCDROM /A switch for alternate EIDE addresses. 加入/A参数,以应付某些另类的EIDE地址。
- The vendor makes blade switches for blade-server systems from IBM, HP, and NEC. 供应商,使刀片式交换机为刀片服务器系统由IBM,惠普,NEC等。
- Manufacture of valves, couplings and regulators for appliances running on LPG, and water pressure... 分类标题:水卫阀门|工业水暖管道...
- We are interested in Head Light Switch for marketing in israel - palestine. 我们正在寻找汽车开关;请供应商联系我们.
- An Liang Marine Cooperation has found in 1982 and manufactured Signal lights, illuminative lamps, navigation lights, and switches for marine use and other relative products and appliances. 安良船舶电器有限公司于1982年成立,并且从事制造船舶信号灯具、照明灯具、船用航行灯、防水开关,以及相关船舶用具等。
- Responser card is made up of SC2262, coupling coil, switch for code. 应答器由SC2262、耦合线圈、拨码开关等组成。
- Single cover retaining screw mounted on top of the flow switch for easy access. 在流量开关上安装一个盖子固定螺丝,便以打开进入。