- Synthesis electrical methods 综合电法
- synthesis electrical method 综合电法
- This is an electrical method which is most promising when the water is brackish. 这是一种电学方法,它最适用于有咸味的水。
- Electrical methods are inherently more powerful than chemical methods because large amounts of energy can be applied rapidly. 电的方法天生地比化学方法更加有力,因为可迅速施加大量的能量。
- Generally, the electrical methods can be divided into two great categories according to the difference of electrical field. 总的来说,根据研究电场的不同,电法勘探可以分为两大类。
- Generally, the electrical methods can be divided into two great.categories according to the difference of electrical field. 总的来说,根据研究电场的不同,电法勘探可以分为两大类。
- This is an electrical method, which is most promising when the eater is brackish. 这是一种电学方法。当水含盐时,它最有希望。(翻译成独立句)
- The electrical method is proposed to measure the fracture strength of polysilicon, so the measurement is simple. 就是说,使用电测量的方法测试多晶硅的断裂强度,有测试方法简单的效果。
- Electrical methods utilize the electrical property contrast of various rocks and ore to prospect the ore bodies and geological structures in the underground. 电法是利用各种岩石和矿石之间存在的电性差异去勘查地下的矿体和地质构造。
- The practical examples are exemplified to express th e electrical method used for prospecting of water resources in the water-shortag e mountain area. 通过实例说明贫水山区电法找水方法的应用及有关问题。
- Keller, G. V. and Frischknecht, F. C., 1966. Electrical properties of earth materials, Electrical methods in geophysical prospecting. Pergamon Press, Inc, 517 pp. 黄奇瑜、尹元祺(1998):屏东平原有孔虫化石分析及地层比对,屏东平原地下水及水文地质研讨会论文集,85-99页。
- We test the electrical resistivity change of saturation soils and unsaturation soils contaminated with oil sewage with electrical method in lab. 摘要本文利用室内电阻率测试的方法研究了饱和土和不饱和土两类土中含油污水的侵入量对其导电性的影响。
- High density electrical method and seismic imaging method are adopted to detect the mined-out areas in the Gongchangling opencut iron mine in Liaoning Province. 摘要介绍了应用高密度电法与地震映象法对弓长岭露天铁矿采空区进行探测的方法技术及应用效果。
- Electrical method, as the term suggests, is a type of geophysical method using the electricity to explore geological features. 电法勘探就是利用电来勘查地质体的一种地球物理勘探方法.
- Analysis of the handing method and the electric method for measuring work length of root canals. 手感法和电测法确定根管工作长度的研究。
- The ELECTRE method is a relation model based on outranking relation, which is the key of this method. ELECTRE方法是建立在级别高于关系基础之上一种关系模型,级别高于关系是该方法的核心思想。
- Moreover, almost all relation models have relationship with the outranking relation in the ELECTRE method more or less. 而且,几乎所有的关系模型都与ELECTRE法中的级别高于关系有着或多或少的联系。
- Compared with normal overburden destroying exploration technology,high density electricity method with lar... 该探测技术在研究地下工程岩体结构破坏领域将有着广泛的应用前景。
- Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?
- In different ELECTRE methods the outranking relations are frequently constructed and proposed to some specific problems; therefore they have different forms. 在不同的ELECTRE方法中,这些级别高于关系往往是针对特定的问题背景构造和提出来的,因此具有不同的表达形式。