- System test database 系统试验数据库
- USER PROGRAMS System test Display test? 此程序检测显示屏上的所有点。
- USER PROGRAMS System test Electrodes? 用户可用该检测程序检查电极电压
- To estimate roll forward time for parallel redo, it is more accurate to access a running test system than a test database. 若要估计并行重做的前滚时间,访问正在运行的测试系统要比访问测试数据库更能得到准确的结果。
- USER PROGRAMS System test Program version? 该程序将显示仪器的程序版本。
- USER PROGRAMS System test Pumps? 用户可用该检测程序检查泵是否正常。
- System test shows that it achieves the desired result. 系统测试结果显示基本达到预期目的。
- Before running the first round, an application developer or tester can create a database snapshot on the test database. 在运行第一轮测试前,应用程序开发人员或测试人员可以在测试数据库中创建数据库快照。
- Create the TEST database with same codepage, territory and collating sequence as production. 用与生产中相同的代码页、地区和排序序列创建TEST数据库。
- You can use Microsoft Visual Studio Team Edition for Database Professionals to fill a test database with test data. 可以使用Microsoft Visual Studio Team Edition for Database Professionals来用测试数据填充测试数据库。
- Using this tool to test database integrity is a safe approach because the check is performed in a read-only mode. 使用此工具测试数据库的完整性是一种安全的做法,因为检查是在只读模式下执行的。
- ERS10 Nano-imprint lithography system test of commercial enterprises. ERS10压印系统的商用测试企业。
- With capacities that use CUnit to unit test and system test codes. 6. 5.;能用CUnit对代码进行单元测试和系统测试。
- This part generate all links between the SQL backend and the stored object for the test database. 这部分在sql后台和测试数据库中保存的对象中建立所有的连接。
- Describes the unit test type of the Team System testing tools. 介绍Team System testing tools的单元测试类型。
- Describes how you can fill a test database with data that can produce meaningful test results without compromising information security. 描述如何在不危及信息安全的情况下,用可以生成有意义的测试结果的数据填充测试数据库。
- Team System testing tools will not execute an empty test run. Team System testing tools不执行空测试运行。
- To measure the redo rate for that log backup, time how long it takes you to restore the log backup WITH NORECOVERY onto the test database. 若要度量该日志备份的重做速度,请记录您将日志备份使用WITH NORECOVERY选项还原到测试数据库中所需的时间。
- Lead system testing and evaluate and analyse system performance. 领导系统测试,分析和评估系统性能。
- Administrator Application System Tested, on July 11, 2005. 管理员系统测试,七月十一日,二零零五年。