- TAMZ titanium alloys TAMZ钛合金
- Beta titanium alloys exhibit the BCC allotropic form of titanium (called beta). 钛是体型立方晶格同素异形体钛和金。
- Some surface defects in the EOM of the compresser blades made of titanium alloys are also discussed. 初步讨论了钛合金压气机叶片在电解加工中出现的一些表面缺陷问题。
- The preparation procedure and data processing program of gas standard samples for titanium and titanium alloys. 研究了钛及钛合金的气体标准试样制备工艺和数据处理方案。
- Microstructure and Wear Resitance of Multitrack Laser Clad on Titanium Alloys[J]. 引用该论文 李养良;徐明晗;彭西峰.
- The metals include high strength steels, stainless steels, superalloys, titanium alloys, aluminum alloys, etc. 主要材料包括:高强度钢、不锈钢、高温合金、钛合金、铝合金等。
- In the HFIHG process, the titanium alloys were immerged in the solution of Ca and P ions and heated by high frequency induction current. 这一温度梯度由钛合金基体表面向外逐渐降低,使基体表面形成了有利于钙磷沉积的热力学条件,从而使钙磷生物陶瓷能够在基体表面生长并形成涂层。
- It is taking hychroperoxides as masking agents, alumnium in titanium alloys was meascred with aluminon ammonium aurintri-carboxylate. 研究了以过氧化氢作为掩蔽剂,用铝试剂测定钛合金中铝的方法。
- Thermohydrogen treatment (THT) is a new technology which has already been applied extensively in processing of titanium alloys. 热氢处理是一种新的钛合金加工技术,已广泛应用于钛合金中。
- Eugene P. Lautenschlager,Peter Monaghan,“Titanium And Titanium Alloys as Dental Materials,”International Dental Journal, [43] 245-531, (1993). 洪国裕,“钛及钛合金之熔炼,”铸造月刊,一一七期,民国88年6月
- Titanium alloys are widely used in clinic as the preferred metal material for the replacement and restoration of surgical implants. 钛合金作为人体硬组织替代物和修复物的首选材料在临床上得到广泛的应用。
- Low hardness and poor wear resistance constrain the practical applications of titanium alloys, especially for those Made by P/M. 摘要低硬度和低耐磨性限制了钛合金尤其是粉末钛合金的实际应用。
- The carbon-sulfur analyzer was corrected by mens of the pure chemical substance and was used to determine carbon content in titanium alloys. 采用纯化学物质对高频加热-红外检测碳硫仪校准,对钛合金中的碳量进行测定。
- EATR is simply a wolf in sheep’s titanium alloy armour. EATR 只是一只穿戴羊的钛合金盔甲的狼。
- It is the first time to adopt titanium alloy on domes interiorly. 在国内舰船上使用尚属首次。
- Its comprehensive coverage focuses on use and performance of titanium alloys and intermetallics in aircraft and their components, including spacecraft and helicopters, etc. 它的广泛报导集中在钛合金和金属互化物在航空器与它们的零件,包括航天器和直升机等的使用和性能。
- The researchers are attaching great importance to the fracture toughness in titanium alloys even more along with advance in research into titanium alloys. 随着钛合金研究工作的进展,钛合金的断裂韧性已经越来越受到研究人员的重视。
- In this paper,the mechanism of workpiece burn during grinding of casehardened steel and titanium alloys was studied by the use of SEM,EPMA,XPS and the metallograph analysis. 本文应用SEM,EPMA、XPS及金相显微分析等技术研究了表面硬化钢和钛合金的烧伤机理。
- The casting can meet requirement of titanium alloy creep fixed treatment. 研制出的铸件满足了钛合金蠕变定形处理的要求。
- Laser cladding on titanium alloys can improve the surface properties, obtain the coatings with high hardness, good wear resistance and low friction coefficient. 在钛合金表面进行激光熔覆,可提高钛合金的表面性能,获得高硬度、耐磨性能好、低摩擦系数的熔覆层。