- Price stead on the commodity market. 商品市场上的价格稳定下来了。
- Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。
- Here has the commodity which you needs! 我是小龙,大家好!这里有你需要的商品!
- The commodity circulation is poor. 商品流通渠道不畅。
- Fans suck waste into the commode. 风扇会把排泄物吸入便器内。
- Commodity production is a process of value production. 商品生产是一个创造价值的过程。
- There was general agreement that the PC had become a commodity product, its makers mere box-shifters, and that growth prospects were mediocre. 个人电脑已经成为一种日用商品,其制造者仅仅只是廉价产品制造商,整个产业的前景也显得很平淡,对这样的观点存在这普遍的一致赞同。
- He made a small fortune in the commodities market. 他在农业市场赚了一大笔钱。
- We will appreciate receiving details regarding the commodity. 如能告知该商品的详细情况,则不胜感谢。
- Advertizing is the product of the development of the commodity economy, and its own progress is the brarometer of the prosperity of economy. 广告是商品经济发展的产物,其发达的程度是经济繁荣的晴雨表。
- How Can the Commodity Stream of Third Party Ensure Success? 国内第三方物流如何胜算?
- Such laws also govern the chances of commodity production and exchange. 这种规律也支配着商品生产和商品交换的偶然性:
- You need me to demonstrate the commodity overall effect to you? 您需要我向您展示商品总体效果吗?
- Commodity value must be carried in use value of the commodity. 商品价值必须以商品使用价值为载体。
- The commodity housing development began to appear afterward. 后来商品房开发才开始出现。
- We offer the commodity subject to prior sale (to be unsold). 我们报此商品价格,以未经售出为有效。
- The commodity bubble of recent years continues to deflate. 商品近年的泡沫持續消退。
- A lot of digital products are exhibited at the commodity fair. 这次高科技产品交易会展出了很多数码产品。
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 该项新产品成了该公司的聚宝盆。