- In the long view, ecologies are temporary networks. 长远来看,生态群是临时性的网络。
- The long view sharpens the short view. 考虑将来的事能让你看清眼下的事。
- The police are coping with the problem at the moment, but in the long view the government will be forced to bring in new legislation. 此刻警方正在妥善处理这一问题,但是从长远看,政府会被迫提出新的法规。
- We veterans should take the long view in this matter and play the key role in selecting and training successors. 我们老同志在这个问题上,眼光要放得远一些,要积极发挥骨干作用,选好接班人,带好接班人。
- It is probably good business to take the long view and not concentrate on purely immediate gains. 照顾长远利益而不单纯集中于眼前的利润很可能是经营企业的好办法。
- You may not like going to college,but you really must take the long view about this. 你可能不想念大学,可对这事你真得把眼光放远些。
- As pension funds are investing for members' retirements, they can take the long view. 由于养老基金是为会员退休投资,他们可以从长远考虑。
- Successful career builders take the long view and don’t position themselves in jobs that are mediocre. 成功的事业生涯建立者眼光远大,不安于庸庸碌碌的工作。
- The long view shows us that the revolution of national independence is a fundamental fact of our era. 从长远的观点看,国家独立的革命是我们时代的基本事实。
- You may not like going to college, but you really must take the long view about this. 你可能不想念大学,可对这事你真得把眼光放远些。
- That part comes easy to Jeter, the team captain, who said he always tried to take the long view, and the positive one. 这部分对我们帅帅队长来说是再轻易不过的,他表示他总是看的很长远,而且保持著乐观。
- Leon Powe: There is something to be said about the long view, even as his rehabilitation continues. 莱昂-波维:即使他的恢复良好,还有一些需要从长计议的。
- Morton Keller, a history professor at Brandeis University, likes to take the long view. 布兰迪斯大学(BrandeisUniversity)的历史学教授莫顿.;凯勒喜欢从长远的角度看问题。
- Radio2 can be heard on the long wave band. 第二广播电台可在长波段收听到。
- The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries. 这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
- The police are coping with the problem at the moment,but in the long view the government will be forced to bring in new legislation. 此刻警方正在妥善处理这一问题,但是从长远看,政府会被迫提出新的法规。
- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平。
- The police are copingwith the problem at the moment, but in the long view the government will be forced to bring in new legislation. 此刻警方正在妥善处理这一问题,但是从长远看,政府会被迫提出新的法规。
- He roped up the long sticks as a weapon. 他把长棍用绳子捆在一起当武器用。
- She holds the world record for the long jump. 她保持著跳远世界纪录。