- The discussion should have a universal significance to the study of Ming and Qing ditties and to that of folk songs in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi as well. 本文有关南北曲同明清小曲、聊斋俚曲的关系的论述,对明清小曲、聊斋俚曲研究也有普遍的意义。
- Though admittedly wild and fanciful, the ghost stories of the Liao Zhai Zhi Yi have a beauty that has captivated countless readers over the years. 《聊斋志异》所记鬼怪故事诚属荒诞不经,然而却能引人入胜,多年来为无数读者所喜爱。
- The Most important is the research to the PU Song-ling and his work (Liao Zhai Zhi Yi) getting a substantial development, keeping about half a century, and appears many outstanding scholars, who obtained plenteous results. 最引人注目的还是对蒲松龄及其著作(主要是《聊斋志异》)的研究得到了长足发展,并且持续近半个世纪之久,涌现出一批出色的硕儒新进,取得了丰硕的成果。
- As a literator in the low level of society, Pu Songling has experienced all kinds of hardship, so during the period of the creation, he gives a happy end to the scholars in the Liao Zhai Zhi Yi. 作为一个封建社会的下层文人,蒲松龄饱尝了世间的艰辛与困苦,因此,在进行文学创作时,他凭借一股愤懑不平之气,为其笔下的书生们创造了一个个花好月圆的美满结局。
- The New Discussion on Economic Thought about Liao Zhai Zhi Yi--The Relationship between the Motif of Novel and the Creation of Authors'Thought 经济思想新论--小说母题与作者思想新创性的关系
- The "Nan and Bei Verses", Ming and Qing Ditties, and Folk Songs: Reflections on the Combination of Nan and Bei Verses in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi "南北曲"、明清小曲和聊斋俚曲--从聊斋俚曲"南北合套"曲的唱腔说起
- Liao Zhai Zhi Yi 聊斋志异
- He discoursed upon the poetic style of John Keats. 他讲了约翰•济慈的诗歌风格。
- The poetic works of a given author, group, nation, or kind. 诗集某一特定的作者、群体、国家或种类的诗歌作品
- When placed after a thing or event, "zhi yi" expresses that the thing or event is one of several or many. “之一”放在所指的事物之后,表示这种事物是同类事物中的一个。
- It is frequently mentioned in the poetic writings of the period. 在那个时期的诗作中经常提到这一点。
- In the later 50 years, the dissemination and research of LiaoZhai Zhi Yi at Japan acquire a new huge development. 摘要二战以后的50年里,《聊斋志异》在日本的传播和研究获得新的巨大发展。
- It sharpened the poetic sensibility of two generations. 它提高了两代人对诗的敏感力。
- The scholar discoursed on the poetic style of John Keats. 那位学者讲述了约翰·济慈的诗歌风格。
- By Mufan ren Xigu and households for the public four years, stick to Gosho West Conference, ask fortong zhi Yi. 因西固番人慕化,编民户四里,裁西固守御所,设抚彝同知。
- Guan Ding, Zhi Yi's aide and successor, plays an important role in the development of Tiantai Sect. 摘要作为智顗生前的助手及其圆寂后的接班人,灌顶在天台宗发展史上举足轻重。
- The poetic works of a given author,group,nation,or kind. 诗集某一特定的作者、群体、国家或种类的诗歌作品
- I'm drawn to the poetic, sensuous qualities of her paintings. 我喜欢她的画中那种充满诗意、赏心悦目的特性。
- Relating to or characteristic of the poetic style of Pindar. 品达体的有品达诗体特征的或相关的