- Three coins in the fountain, through the ripples how they shine. 透过涟漪你可以看到这三枚硬币闪耀着。
- Three Coins in the Fountain Jule Styne 三文钱掉到泉水边
- She dabbled her hands in the fountain. 她把手伸到喷泉中玩水。
- She dabbled her fingers in the fountain. 她用手指在喷泉中玩水。
- Father dug up an old coin in the garden. 父亲在花园里掘出一枚古钱币。
- Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot. 拿起听筒之后,放一个硬币在这个小口子里。
- Make sure you remember to put some coins in the slot first. 一定要记住先在槽里丢几个硬币。
- The fountain in the courtyard needs to be cleaned. 院子里的喷泉需要清理。
- Please put a coin in the slot of this machine. 请把硬币放进这台机器的一个投币口.
- She rattled some coins in the box. 她把盒子里的硬币摇得哗啦哗啦作响。
- Can you get the fountain in the background? 你能不能把喷水池拍进背景里?
- Jack craned to see the coins in the well. 杰克伸长了脖子看水井中的硬币.
- If u get hurt by someone jump in the fountain. 如果你受到某人的攻击后,可以跳进喷泉里。
- Daniel: Dad, put three coins in this slot, right? Does it work if I put in two? 丹尼尔:爸爸,投三个硬币在这个投币孔里对吧?如果我投两个它会转吗?
- My eye lighted upon a coin in the road. 我的目光落在路上一枚钱币上。
- Coin toss is like flipping a real coin in the air! 掷硬币一样翻转一个真正的硬币在空中!
- The children played in the fountain in the park. 孩子们在公园喷泉中玩耍。
- He found a few coins in the car. 他在汽车里捡到几枚硬币。
- A bird is splashing in the fountain. 一只鸟儿正在喷泉中溅水.