- TPR teaching approach 全身反应教学法
- Communicative language teaching is proved to be an effective teaching approach to realize this aim. 交际教学法正是实现这一目的的有效途径。
- This essay tentatively explores the theory base main characteristics and the obstacles of the teaching approach. 本文探讨了以学生为中心的大学英语教学模式的理论依据、主要特点及实施中应该注意到的问题。
- The high school adjusted its teaching approach and cancelled its departmental system. 他们高中调整了教学方法,取消了“文理分科”。
- In the three versions, the “Figurative Teaching Approach” is applied to contents in various forms. 笔者把运用比喻手法的教学称为“喻导法教学”。
- To explore the new teaching approach in the medical immunology to arouse the students' study interests. 探求免疫学教学中解决学生缺乏学习兴趣的新方法。
- Various schools of foreign languages teaching approach have ever advanced the development of FLT in history. 摘要国外外语教学法流派众多,都曾在一定的历史条件下对外语教学起过促进作用。
- Bilingual teaching approach runs through the entire teaching of clinical diagnostics. 双语教学教学贯穿于诊断学的整个教学过程中。
- Claire Sylvan says the teaching approach is to have students use their different strengths to help each other. 卡莱尔表示教学方法是让学生用他们的特长去相互帮助。
- The CGT English teaching model is a new teaching approach,which lays special stress on teacher control,group work,and text reconstruction. CGT是英文Control Study,Group Work,Text Reconstruction的简称,即控制学习、小组练习、语篇重建活动。
- The key to solving such problems relies on a correct understanding of the halts of such connectives and a proper teaching approach. 影响韩国学生习得关联词语的主要因素是关联词语的特点、关联词语的教学等。
- Researches on this teaching approach have shown that the implementation of language tasks has had a positive effect on the learner performance. 该领域的研究皆表明课堂语言教学任务的实施对外语学习者的学习成绩起到了积极的作用。
- However, with the development of the teaching approach, the role of translation in aiding college EFL learners cannot be ignored. 然而,随着英语教学实践的深化,翻译在大学英语课堂上所起到的积极作用也再次得到肯定。
- More than that, the “Figurative Teaching Approach” is not evenly distributed among the different textbooks of the same version. 论文对比喻等相关概念进行了回顾和梳理,对化学教学中比喻的意义和局限性进行了分析。
- Similar to other teaching approaches or methods, CLT is not yet a perfect one. 在交际课堂中,教师不再是“讲台上的圣人”,而是学生的“向导”。
- The instructional framework adopted in the present study is Reciprocal Teaching Approach developed by Palincsar, A.S. and Brown, A.L. (1984). 这些教学方法刻板单调,不利于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,不利于学生实际语言技巧的发展形成。
- The traditional EFL reading teaching approach is mainly atomistic and form-oriented and the reading teaching only stays at the sentence level. 传统的英语阅读教学方法主要以语言形式、句子结构为中心,且停留在句子层面。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Fifthly, to carry on both heritage and creation, keep improving teaching approach so as to strengthen the real effect of social ideal education. 第五,继承与创新并举,适应当前的新形势和新要求,不断改进教育方法,以增强社会理想教育的实效。
- Language teaching practice and the theory of language teachin g approach demonstrate that it is improper to abandon grammar-translation teaching approach. 语言教学的实践和语言教学法的理论说明不宜完全废弃语法及翻译教学法。