- Can you explain to me the tactics in a sprint? 你能给我解释一下短距离赛的战术吗?
- Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. 王伟很快使他们对自行车运动感兴趣起来。
- He applied bait-and-switch tactics in business. 他经商的策略是先引诱顾客来,再改变货物的品质。
- What are the tactics in a road race? 公路自行车赛有什么战术?
- To use obstructionist tactics in a legislative body. 阻挠在立法机构中采用阻碍策略
- China and Chinese Taipei split two gold medals in cycling. 中国和中国台北队分别包揽了自行车赛的两块金牌。
- We should adopt flexible strategy and tactics in a war. 在战争中应运用灵活机动的战略战术。
- Tactics in Cycling 自行车赛战术
- So player's management tactics in the game will not be unalterable. 是故玩家在游戏中的经营手法将不会是一成不变的。
- Can you explain to me some of the tactics in handball? 你可以给我解释一下手球战术吗? We won by three runs.
- Find the expected life of the part in cycles. 求零件的预期寿命的循环数。
- TurnTo recur in cycles or at periodic intervals. 循环往复:在周期中或周期性间隔中重复出现。
- This paper proposes some coping tactics in this regard. 同时,本文还提出了一些有针对性的策略。
- We work a lot tactically in training as well. 在主场比赛的时候曼联继续了这个战术。
- This is an obvious sequencing that can be understood in cycles. 这是明显的先后顺序,可以用循环周期来理解。
- The French were happy because their athletes outdid the Italians in cycling and fencing. 法国人十分得意,因为他们的运动员在自行车和击剑项目中击败了意大利人。
- To Pham Van Dong the encounter with me was tactic in a revolutionary struggle. 对于范文同来说,同我打交道只不过是革命斗争中的策略运用。
- FMUL on P4 is 7 cycles and A*X will be ready in cycle 7. 是被调度进F_MUL管道线的第一个操作。在P4上FMUL的潜伏期是7个时钟周期,A*X会被安排7个时钟周期。
- Dunga's tactics in the system, the role of Adelaide with a different club. 在邓加的战术体系中,阿德的作用与俱乐部不同。
- So what exactly has Google been up to with its sharp-elbowed tactics in mobile? 那为什么谷歌还要在手机市场里使用它那些咄咄逼人的策略呢?