- Tailbar Lionfishn. 棒尾狮子鱼(鲉科)
- And how lionfish, mistakenly introduced into the Caribbean sea, are wreaking havoc on the natural environment. 而狮子鱼又是如何误引进加勒比海,对自然环境造成严重伤害。
- Lionfish reduce the abundance of small fish on coral reefs by 80 percent in just a five week period. 才五个星期的时间,狮子鱼就让珊瑚礁的小鱼数量,减少了百分之80。
- Lionfish (Pterois antennata), such as this juvenile, hide during the day in coral overhangs and emerge at night. 意译:现在海洋图片画廊。狮子鱼,例如这个初生的,隐藏在白天在珊瑚突出部分和出现在夜里。
- As a couple of flipper kicks took me ever deeper, a lionfish emerged from behind a rusted axle. 踢了踢蛙鞋,我潜到更深的地方,一尾狮子鱼从生锈的轮轴旁游了出来。
- Though not aggressive toward humans, the lionfish sting is very painful; there is some worry about how swimmers and divers might suffer. 虽然对人类没有侵略性,但被狮子鱼刺伤是很痛的,因此游泳和浅水实在令人有些担心。
- Others, such as the beautiful little bandit angelfish, and the Hawaiian lionfish, are like nearly 12% of all the species of fish in Hawaii. 其他鱼,例如美丽的小强盗天使鱼,和夏威夷蓑鲉,可能占夏威夷所有鱼种的近12%25。
- The lionfish blends in with its surroundings, waiting for passing prey, while the powerfully built mole hunts for earthworms underground. 还有更多隐身动物:非洲鱼、尖头鳄鱼、美籍河鸟等,牠们会一展其神奇的隐身技俩。
- Software Description: About 3D Rocky Reef Tropical Fish Aquarium, This screen saver has realistic animations of moray eels, manta rays, angelfish, clownfish and lionfish. 这个屏幕保护程序有海鳗的现实的动画,天使鱼,蓑鲉和更多。
- Lionfish like this one in Papua New Guinea are native to the reefs and rocky crevices of the Indo-Pacific, although they've found their way to warm ocean habitats worldwide. 意译:奇特的海生物图片画廊。狮子鱼像这一条在巴布亚新几内亚是本土的暗礁群和岩石的裂缝在印度-太平洋,尽管它们有找到它们的方法到温暖海洋栖息地全世界范围。
- Professor Mark Hixon and his team have been seeing the lionfish in every habitat: in shallow and deep reefs, off piers and beaches, and in mangrove thickets, where baby fish retreat for safety. 马克希克森教授和他的团队,在很多栖息地看过狮子鱼,在或浅或深的暗礁里,在防波堤与海滩上,在红树林杂木林里,因为安全因素,出生不久的小鱼都躲避在这里。
- sea star is yarning on rock, sunbaking..when lionfish came to say hello... 海星在岩石上晒太阳打哈西。。。
- Russell's lionfish 罗素狮子鱼
- lionfishn. [鱼]蓑鲉