- Taiwan Democratic State 台湾民主国
- The basis of a democratic state is liberty. 民主城邦的基础是自由权。
- The basis of a democratic state is liberty (Aristotle). 民主国家的基础是自由(亚里士多德)。
- Local power in the context of the democratic state II. 民主制中的以色列地方权力2。
- "The basis of a democratic state is liberty" (Aristotle). “民主国家的基础是自由” (亚里士多德)。
- We all thought that Taiwan had become a democratic state full of cultural diversity and multilingualism.The savage neglect of language and oppression of mother tongues should have passed into history. 虽然是台湾 人的本土母语,毋阁嘛同时是人类的共有资产,咱无权利去共伤害、糟跶。
- Comprehensive report, Beijing -- A delegation comprising of Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Chen Chin-teh and several associations in fishery have arrived Beijing yesterday. (北京综合电)台湾民进党籍立法委员陈金德昨日与台湾多个渔业团体组成的考察团抵达北京访问。
- He is seeking reelection this November in a heavily Democratic state known for its environmental activism. 他正在争取11月份在一个民主党占多数的州的再次当选。该州以保护环境而著称。
- He is seeking re-election this November in a heavily Democratic state known for its environmental activism. 他正寻求在民众党占主导地位并以环保而闻名的加州于十一月份再选。
- Taiwan Democratic SelfGovernment League 台湾民主自治同盟(台盟)
- Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League 台湾民主自治同盟
- Taiwan Democratic self-government 台湾民主自治同盟(台盟)
- There are four types of states: liberal democratic state, collusive state, social democratic corporatist state and bureaucratic pluralist state. 青木昌彦界定了国家的四种基本类型:自由民主型国家、勾结型国家、社会民主社团主义国家和官僚制多元主义国家。
- The bourgeois-democratic revolution can be considered accomplished only when the forces of foreign imperialism and domestic feudalism have basically been overthrown and an independent democratic state has been established. 直至国外帝国主义势力和国内封建势力基本上被推翻而建立独立的民主国家之时,才算资产阶级民主革命的成功。
- China's task will be to take advantage of it in order to attain complete liberation and establish an independent democratic state,which at the same time will mean helping the world anti-fascist movement. 中国的任务,就在于利用这种国际形势取得自己的彻底解放,建立独立的民主国家,同时也就是帮助世界的反法西斯运动。
- Kosovo now is "an independent, sovereign and democratic state," Parliament Speaker Jakup Krasniqi announced after lawmakers voted 109-0 through a show of hands to approve the declaration. 立法者举手表决以109票全票通过了科索沃独立宣言.;之后;议会发言人克拉斯尼齐宣布“科索沃现在是"一个独立,民主的主权国家。”
- As a democratic state it is a small drift towards the Allies.However it has claims on the Soviet Union so it will drift away from Comintern (i.e. towards both the Axis and the Allies). 作为民主国家他们有轻微的偏向盟军的趋势,但是由于他们对苏联有领土要求他们会大大地背离共产方向(同时趋近轴心和盟军)。
- Republicans won governors' races in the traditionally Democratic States of Georgia and Maryland. 共和党人则赢得了佐治亚州和马里兰州的州长职位,而这两个州长期以来都由民主党人控制。
- Military Alliance of Democratic States (MADS) is established by 26 countries in Washington DC on April 4 2004. 民主国家军事联盟由26个国家成立于2004年4月4日美国华盛顿。
- He is said to have been the richest man in Taiwan. 据说他以前是台湾最有钱的人。