- Taiwan big green date 大青枣
- Um. It's a beautiful big green sweater. It's new. 嗯,它是件漂亮的绿色大毛衣,而且很新。
- Look for big green stands of vegetation. 寻找大面积的植被。
- Taiwan big and northeast Fujian, the Zhejiang east has the rainstorm. 台湾大部及福建东北部、浙江东部有大到暴雨。
- There, beyond the mountain, there is a big green valley. 在山的那边有一个青翠的大山谷。
- The Owl and Pussy Cat went to sea,in a beautiful big green boat. 猫头鹰和猫猫当水手,在一条美丽的大的绿色的小船里。
- Is the Big Green Gathering another victim of the crackdown on dissent? “绿色大聚会“是打压不同政见者的另一个受害者吗?
- Before her, level and solid, spread the big green cricket-field, like the bed of a sea of light. 在她眼前展现着一大片绿油油的板球场,又平坦又结实,象亮晃晃的海底。
- Paddington picked up his suitcase and followed Judy up a fight of white steps to a big green door. 派丁顿拿起他的手提箱,紧随着朱迪踏上了通往一扇绿色大门的路。
- In other words, as much as China nibbles around the edges with big green projects, coal isn't going anywhere. 换句话说,虽然中国在借助大型绿色能源项目获得优势,但煤炭的使用并没有消失。
- They covered her with a big green sheet, with the rite position for surgery, AKA the one made her sick in the eve. 他们拿了一块绿色的单子盖住她,强迫她就位。
- Arrives at Taibei after Guangzhou, north the tourist then goes to Taiwan biggest night market indanthrene night market, tastes Taiwan typical delicacy snack. 从广州抵达台北后,游客便前往北台湾最大夜市士林夜市,品尝台湾地道美味小吃。
- Our backyard garden plot where the Yi Keke long-radish. Nowhere to be seen, the green one, like a big green blanket. 我们小区后院的菜园里长着一棵棵萝卜。远远看去,绿油油的一片,像一个大绿毯。
- She sat on a seat under the alders in the cricket ground, and fronted the evening.Before her, level and solid, spread the big green cricket field, like the bed of a sea of light. 她坐在板球场上的桤木下,面对暮色,眼前是球场上平坦坚实的绿茵,仿佛是一片霞光大海。
- African nation likes bright red big green, european nation likes contrast intense, oriental nation likes pure and fresh quietly elegant, but this is not absolutely. 非洲民族喜欢大红大绿,欧洲民族喜欢对比强烈,东方民族喜欢清新淡雅,但这都不是绝对的。
- The goal is to turn GM and the rest into Big Green Machines that will stop making SUVs and trucks and start making small cars that run on something other than carbon fuel. 他们希望通用和其他几个汽车生产商变身绿色机器生产商,停止制造SUV(运动型多功能汽车)和卡车,而改为生产那些不使用碳燃料的小型汽车。
- He is said to have been the richest man in Taiwan. 据说他以前是台湾最有钱的人。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- Particular oceanic climate ,humid air , put it to be the biggest green tea base of norward. 孕育了北方最大的绿茶基地。
- In the meantime, China is reshaping two of the biggest green technologies in use already -- wind and solar power. 与此同时,中国正在重塑两大业已得到普遍应用的绿色能源行业:风能和太阳能。