- All "Taiwan independence" moves are doomed to failure. 一切“台独”行径都注定要失败。
- It is an irresponsible practice helpful to the Taiwan Independence movment. 这是不负责任地为台独张目。
- Compatriots in Taiwan have further realized the serious harm "Taiwan independence" can cause. 台湾同胞进一步认识到“台独”的严重危害。
- The "Taiwan independence" means provoking war again,and fomenting splits means relinquishing peace across the Straits. “台湾独立”意味着重新挑起战争,煽动分离意味着放弃两岸和平。
- The fight against "Taiwan independence" and other attempts to split the country has been going on in depth. 反对“台独”等各种分裂图谋的斗争深入开展。
- We firmly oppose all words and deeds aimed at creating "Taiwan independence","two Chinas" or "one China,one Taiwan". 对任何旨在制造“台湾独立”、“两个中国”、“一中一台”的言行,我们都坚决反对。
- The irrational fanaticism of the Taiwan Independence movement is in fact a legacy of the suicidal fanaticism so characteristic of Japanese militarism. 而台独运动的非理性狂热,正是继承了日本军国主义的自杀性狂热。
- The Chinese Government is closely following the course of events and will never condone any manoeuvre for "Taiwan independence". 中国政府严重关注这一事态的发展,对任何制造“台湾独立”的行径绝不会坐视不理。
- From the standpoint of the US, on which any "Taiwan Independence" must depend, Chen's timing is also wrong. "台湾独立"必须靠美国,可是就美国的情况而言,陈水扁选的也实在不是时机。
- Confrontation will gain nothing, and the scheme of "Taiwan independence" will have no way out. 搞对抗没有好处,搞“台独”没有出路。
- We appreciate the Singapore government standing of insisting" one China" policy and objecting to Taiwan Independence. 我们感谢新加坡政府坚持一个中国的原则和坚持反对“台独”的立场。
- Chen Shuibian stubbornly carries on the Taiwan independence, it can encounter the ignominious defeat inevitably! 陈水扁数典忘祖,一意孤行地搞分裂,必将遭到可耻的失败!
- Many Chinese people see with half an eye that Taiwan independence will not create a brighter future for its citi-zens. 许多中国人都能一望而知,台独对其人民没有更好的前途。
- The legalization of Taiwan independence raise the attention state sovereignty and territorial integrity. 台湾的“法理独立”引起了人们关注国家主权和领土完整问题。
- As to the Taiwan independence movement, some politicians feel China is just saber rattling. 关于台独运动,有些政客认为中国只是恫吓。
- But “the Taiwan independence” the extremist does not depend on not bountifully. 可“台独”极端分子不依不饶。
- Especially, to some unique Taiwan independence scholars, they even beautify "literature of the people of the emperor". 尤其是一些别有用心的台独学者,甚至出现美化“皇民文学”的现象。
- From the standpoint of the US, on which any “Taiwan Independence” must depend, Chen's timing is also wrong. “台湾独立”必须靠美国,可是就美国的情况而言,陈水扁选的也实在不是时机。
- Taiwan independence has been an important question in the research about the history of Chinese and Japanese War. 摘要乙未“台民自主”是甲午中日战争史研究中不可回避的一个重要问题。
- The "Taiwan independence" means provoking war again, and fomenting splits means relinquishing peace across the Straits. "台湾独立"就意味着重新挑起战争,制造分裂就意味着不要两岸和平。