- Taiwan literati and writer 台湾文人
- A teacher and writer was present at the meeting. 一个教师兼作家出席了这个会议。
- India. His father was a journalist and writer. 他的父亲是一个新闻记者和作家。
- The poet and writer has come to our school. 那位诗人兼作家已经来到我们学校了。
- Ling Zhang is an audiologist and writer. 张玲是听力和作家。
- Tilman was a famous explorer, mountaineer, sailor and writer. 提尔曼是个著名的探险家,登山家,水手和作家。
- British artist and writer of nonsense verse (1812-1888). 写胡话诗句的英国艺术家和作家(1812-1888)。
- He is a world-famous respected speechmaker and writer rich in pioneering ideas. 他是享誉全球、深孚众望的思想先锋、演说家和作家。
- Tailors and writers must mind the fashion. 裁缝重式样,作家重时尚。
- And writers are still ripping off his narrative. 与此同时,作者却依旧编造着他的故事。
- The clan of the Consorts and the literati and officialdom fought bitterly against the practice and took relevant counter measures. 外戚、士大夫针对宦官把持的这所监狱采取了争夺与反制措施。
- But what about book publishers and writers? 但出版商和作者们又怎样呢?
- It is generally believed that the difference between Li and Hang is that between literati and non-literati paintings. 摘要学界一般将戾(隶)家与行家视为文人画与非文人画的区别之一。
- In a chaotic social context, the individual choices of the literati and officialdom as astratum matched and contravened the traditional notion of Confucianism. 在矛盾丛生的社会环境里,士大夫的个人选择与儒家文化的切合与冲突同时存在。
- On the other hand, ZhuangZi" s of life Spirit casts Chinese literati and officialdom and common people" s personality, psychology and outlook on life. 二是庄子人生美学精神铸造了中国文人士大夫以至普通百姓的人格、心态和人生观念。
- British traveler and writer best known for Travels in Arabia Deserta(1888). 道蒂,查尔斯·蒙塔古1843-1926英国旅行家和作家,以其阿拉伯沙漠旅行记(1888年)而著名
- The highness and farness of the main peak emphasize a king of central value which is just the value shared by Chinese literati and that’s the so-called world cares. 主峰的高远突出,强化了一种中心价值,而这个价值正是传统中国文人们所享有的那个价值,即所谓天下关怀。
- The Spanish have had many great painters and writers. 西班牙人中有过很多伟大的画家和作家。
- Sailor and writer both knew that only they could keep the roat from sinking. 水手和记者都知道只有他们能够不让小船沉没。
- I hope many students will come to the sports field to taste the happiness of youth, and left literati and gentility to their classrooms and dormitories. 我希望许多同学都来这运动会场上尝尝少年的高兴,----把那斯文的老景暂时丢在讲堂上或寄宿舍里!