- Takahashi Teiji 高桥贞二(1926-59),日本人,电影演员。
- Ryo Kanzaki (Katsunori Takahashi). 一直生活在母亲与哥哥阿凉所建构的爱的堡垒中,过著无忧无虑的日子,直到一日阿凉偷偷将其作品拿出去参加比赛后,让优香踏入了不同以往的世界 。
- Wang, M.F., Kishi, K., Takahashi, T. 井上五郎,岸恭一,王铭富,渡边弘子(1982/9)。
- Catheter intervention for Kawasaki disease Teiji Akagi, M.D. 川崎病的介入治疗。
- TAKAHASHI: They dont exist. Someone please invent them. 高桥:它们并不存在,不过我希望有人能够发明它。
- TAKAHASHI: Bakura is possesed by "the evil one" through the Millennium Ring. 高桥:?良因为千年环而被暗人格所支配。
- The Ward Takahashi identities for BRS transformation are also obtained. 此外还给出了BRS变换下的Ward Takahashi恒等式 .
- Takahashi N, Cummins D, Caprioli J.Rat retinal ganglion cells in culture[J]. 钟一声;蒋幼芹;熊小玲.;大鼠视网膜神经节细胞的培养[J]
- As Matsushita and Takahashi are better rather direct, their approach has seeped into the culture of the company. 松下和高桥两人都是很直率的,他们的思想方式已经渗透到公司文明之中。
- This rotator device is still used today for all Takahashi focuser from the 2" to 4" focusers and all astrographs. 该旋转接口至今仍应用于高桥的2”到4”的调焦座以及天文摄影中。
- Takahashi, T.,Debris flow, Monograph Series of IAHR, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp.26-27(1991). 连惠邦,苏重光,江永哲。泥石流流体机构之研究。中华水土保持学报,第25卷第3期,第151-160页(1994).
- Mrs.Shizue Takahashi, whose husband was killed in the attack, heads a support group of victims and their families.Mrs. 丈夫在这次袭击中丧生的高越女士,领导了一个支持这次袭击受害者及其家属的团体。
- Takahashi, Yamanaka, and colleagues report their findings in the Nov. 20 online edition of the journal Cell. 高桥,山中,和他的同事报告了他们的发现,在11月20日在网上杂志上发表的文章细胞。
- TAKAHASHI: First, i wanted to make the hairstyle very original, yet something with a lot of impact. 高桥:首先,我希望的是一个完全原创的发型,而且要有很大的冲击力。
- H. Yoshimura, T. Takahashi, J. Metal Finishing Society of Japan, Vol.27, 1976, p.95. 郭坤元,“铝在硫酸浴阳极氧化的皮膜成长理论”,金属表面技术杂志,第103期,第54-58页,1986。
- TAKAHASHI MASAHIRO.One-pack adhesive with good flowability and storability[P].JP 03195791,1991-08-27. 洪宗国;杨政险.;三氟化硼微胶囊热固化环氧树脂胶粘剂研究[J]
- TAKAHASHI: Kaiba has a void in his heart due to the lack of love from his parents. 高桥:因为缺乏亲情(圭平不算),海马的内心可以说是空的。
- "We will come back as soon as we can, and we will keep coming back until we get the yeti on film," said Takahashi. 高桥说:“我们会尽快回来,不拍到雪人的照片,我们绝不罢休。”
- Yasufumi Takahashi, a trader in precious metals at Nissho Iwai, has enrolled in a class to study financial planning. 在日商岩井商社从事贵重金属贸易的高桥康文已经报名参加金融规划学习班。
- This rotator device is still used today for all Takahashi focuser from the 2” to 4” focusers and all astrographs. 该旋转接口至今仍应用于高桥的2”到4”的调焦座以及天文摄影中。