- Money caught up her hair into a bun. 莫尼把头发挽成一圆髻。
- Takebe Bun 武部文(1920-),日本人,众议员。
- There are some currants in this bun. 这个圆面包里有些葡萄干。
- He kept drinking till he got a bun on. 他不停地喝酒,一直到醉。
- He put a fillet steak in the bun. 他把一片无骨牛排放进小圆面包里。
- The girl had her long blonde hair tied back in a neat bun. 那个女孩把她长长的金发换成一个髻。
- He P , Osaki M, Takebe M and Shinano T. 何萍,金继运,李文娟,刘海龙,黄绍文,王秀芳,王立春,谢佳贵。
- She had her fair hair done up in a bun. 她把自己漂亮的头发做成了个圆髻。
- She caught up her hair into a bun. 她把头发挽成圆面包状。
- Does Professor Liu eat steamed bun not? 刘教授吃不吃馒头?
- I'm starving,I've only eaten a pork bun all day. 我饿死了,我一整天只吃了一个猪肉馅饼。
- Her hair was tied severely in a bun. 她的头发简单地盘成了一个发髻。
- Everyone at the party seemed to have a bun on. 在派对上的每个人似乎都浑然忘我。
- I want a foot-long white bread bun. 我要一个一英尺的白麵包。
- I want a six-inch wheat bread bun. 我要一个六英寸的小麦面包。
- He chewed his bun as he hated it. 他狠狠嚼着面包,象是把面包当成冤家似的。
- Hit a dog with a meat bun, it does not return. 肉包子打狗;一去不回头。
- Her hair, also as usual, had escaped from its bun. 她的头发也象往常一样,从发髻里松了下来。
- And I see someone holding a meat bun. 看别人手里拿个肉包子。
- Do you have steamed bun and shoes? 你有蒸发小面包和鞋子吗?