- Takeda Susumu 武田进(1916-),日本人,工科教授。
- Takeda , Kipp Tribble , Tracy E. 演员:Elisa Nixon ; Erica Shaffer ;Dennis Y.
- Thanks for your letter of Sep. 15,2002 introducing Mr. Takeda. 感谢你2002年9月15日介绍武田先生的来信。
- Excerpt from a talk with Susumu Nikaido, Vice-President of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. (这是邓小平同志会见日本自由民主党副总裁二阶堂进时谈话的一部分。)
- Katsuji Takeda, the owner of a sushi business, says that at a stroke the“ Tsukiji brand” will be destroyed. 一家寿司店主精辟的指出:“筑地品牌”效应将会被破坏殆尽。
- Excerpt from a talk with Susumu Nikaido, Vice-President of the/" target="_blank">the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. (这是邓小平同志会见日本自由民主党副总裁二阶堂进时谈话的一部分。)
- "The situation is very dangerous," said Susumu Yabuki, honorary professor of China studies at Yokohama City University. 德国亚洲研究中心安东纽斯博士说,日本是个很注意自己形象的国家,有详尽的国家形象推广计划。
- Katsuji Takeda, the owner of a sushi business, says that at a stroke the “Tsukiji brand” will be destroyed. 一家寿司店主精辟的指出:“筑地品牌”效应将会被破坏殆尽。
- FDA had asked the drug's manufacturers, GlaxoSmithKline and Takeda, to address these concerns. FDA已经要求药物生产厂商葛兰素史克和武田发表相关的负面影响。
- Tena guai de susumu sokkou One week tsukareta karada de sotto One drink Continue like that and at once it's one week, take one drink with a tired body. 已经辛苦了整整一个星期,要喝一杯舒缓这疲惫的身体。
- Susumu Yanase, the DPJ's election-affairs chief in the upper house, says the party is rapidly having to rethink its strategy. 民主党在参议院的首席立法委员柳濑进称党内亟需重新调整战略。
- The leading reason for that, said Dr. Fumikazu Takeda, a retired neurosurgeon who leads the fight for better pain control, is patients' fear. 带头呼吁改善疼痛控制措施的退休神经外科医师武田文和说,日本止痛药消耗量较少,主因是病患的恐惧心理。
- This is because Takeda Campanulaceae pattern has been home of one of the four-Ming Chen Chang King County used, Kato also being used. 因为,桔梗花纹也曾被武田家四名臣之一的山县昌景使用过,加藤清正也曾使用的。
- Takeda said following the panel decision that the company underscored its position that Actos offers a proen safety profile. 武田公司表示理解顾问团的决定,公司强调了其立场,艾可拓的安全性方面业经证实。
- Takeda said following the panel decision that the company underscored its position that Actos offers a proven safety profile. 武田公司表示理解顾问团的决定,公司强调了其立场,艾可拓的安全性方面业经证实。
- Maki Mitsuo Matsumura Susumu Matsuzaka Jir.Sakamoto Tatsuko Suminoe Ky.hei Suzuki Ry.hei Toyoshima Kazushi Tsuga Shizuko Tsuga Shir.Arita Eisabur.Azuma Mitsue Kat. 主演: Fumito Matsuo 岚宽寿郎 山本礼三郎 松浦筑枝 Shoroku Onoe Atsumi Miho T.;roku Makino 中根龙太郎 Koenji Ichikawa Suzuko Isokawa Mitsur
- Dr.Pratley reported relationships with GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, Takeda, Merck, sanofi-aventis, Novartis, and Roche Diagnostics. 博士Pratley报告与葛兰素史克,礼来,诺和诺德,武田,默克公司,赛诺菲安万特,诺华和罗氏诊断。
- Narrated by Susumu Terajima, documentary filmmaker Tatsuya Yamamoto's moving summer requiem quietly records his grandmother's final days in HER DEAR OLD HOUSE. 山本起也执导的长编纪录片,与你分享山本家一起渡过的某个夏天。
- "He won't understand the real concerns of people by going to such places," said Susumu Yanase, a lawmaker from Japan's largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan. 而这位以爱抽雪茄和爱穿高级剪裁西装而著称的首相先生则反驳说,如果去便宜的地方,会给安保带来不少麻烦。
- Also Wednesday, Takeda Pharmaceuticals announced that it would add the boxed warning requested by the FDA to prescription labels for Actos (pioglitazone). 同样也在星期三,武田制药公司宣布FDA要求的黑框警告会被添加到艾可拓(吡咯列酮)的处方标签上。