- The behavior of Tan Sheep, Han Sheep, Texel, Dorset, Suffolk, were observed in Helansan Farm of Ningxia Agriculture in 24h. 针对宁夏农垦贺兰山农牧场种羊场舍饲的滩羊、小尾寒羊、特克萨尔羊、萨福克羊、无角道赛特羊,分品种进行24h行为规律观察。
- A vermifugal experiment of Ivermectin( made in China) applied the selected160 heads of Tan Sheep of Ningxia that were naturally infected by eelworm. 选用自然感染胃肠道线虫的宁夏滩羊160只进行国产伊维菌素驱虫试验。
- Between LDH4 and LDH5 from the serumof Tan Sheep ewe there appeared a variotype zonal LDHY and the probability of appearance was 11. 3%. 滩羊血清LDH_4和LDH_5间出现一条变异型区带LDH_Y;出现机率为11.;3%25。
- A vermifugal experiment of Ivermectin(made in China)applied the selected 160 heads of Tan Sheep of Ningxia that were naturally infected by eelworm. 选用自然感染胃肠道线虫的宁夏滩羊160只进行国产伊维菌素驱虫试验。
- Ru sheep, Tong sheep, Small Tailed Han sheep and Tan sheep were decreasingly affected by the bloodline of Mongolian sheep. (3)前人关于小尾寒羊、滩羊由蒙古羊分化而来的考证得到遗传学实验的进一步证明,湖羊、同羊、小尾寒羊和滩羊受蒙古羊血统的影响递减。
- AMY was monomorphic in Small tailed Han sheep, Tan sheep, Gansu Alpine Merino and was polymorphisms in Qinghai Merino, Tibetan sheep in Gasu, Tibetan sheep in Qinghai. AMY在小尾寒羊、甘肃高山细毛羊、滩羊中呈单态,在青海细毛羊、青海藏羊、甘肃藏羊中存在多态性;
- Meanwhile Ep was polymorphism in Small tailed Han sheep, Qinghai Merino, Tibetan sheep in Qinghai, Tibetan sheep in Gasu and wasn't polymorphisms in Gansu Alpine Merino and Tan sheep. 而Ep在小尾寒羊、青海细毛羊、青海藏羊、甘肃藏羊中存在多态性,在甘肃高山细毛羊、滩羊中不存在多态性;
- With the enough food, the rate of the intake / body weight, Tan Sheep was 5.3 percent, Han Sheep was 5.1 percent, Texel was 2.94 percent, Suffolk was 3.65 percent, Dorset was 3.83 percent. ? 在草料充足的情况下;各品种供试羊采食量占体重的百分比为滩羊5.;3%25;小尾寒羊5
- Piedmont alluvial plain on the vast grassland, is a major producing areas in Ningxia Tan sheep, produced by the fur Gu Chen Tan sheep "of gold Qiu," color Xirun, curly like clouds. 山前冲积平原上草场辽阔,是宁夏滩羊的重要产区,所产滩羊二毛皮古称“千金裘”,毛色细润,卷曲如云。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。
- The Polymorphism of Tf and Alb loci of Tan sheep in Gansu province 甘肃滩羊转铁蛋白及白蛋白基因座多态性研究
- It took me all summer to get this tan. 我花了整个夏天才晒出这样的棕褐色。
- The dog that molested the sheep was killed. 那只骚扰绵羊的狗被杀死了。
- The sheep were surrounded by stockade. 羊被栅栏圈着。
- I want to tan my back a bit more. 我想把後背晒得再黑点儿。
- The dog got among the sheep and killed many. 那只狗走入羊群并咬死了很多羊。
- My brother is the black sheep of the family. 我弟弟是我们家的害群之马。
- Cows and sheep depends forage to feed. 牛和羊依靠草料喂养。
- A flock of sheep poured through the gate. 一群羊从羊圈口涌了出来。
- His arms and legs had a dark tan. 他的手臂和腿晒得黑黑的。