- Tanizaki Junichiro 谷崎润一郎
- Wolf Junichiro Koizumi Shinzo Abe Muto blue colonial party. 摘要: 小泉是哪个党的?跟安培晋三是一个党的吗?
- Junichiro Koizumi said his visits to the shrine are meant to honor the war dead, not to glorify Japan's militarism. 小泉纯一郎说,他的参拜是纪念战争亡灵,而不是美化日本军国主义。
- Junichiro Koizumi,a reformer with a nationalist tinge,was elected prime minister of Japan on April 26. 带有民族主义倾向的改革者小泉纯一郎4月26日当选日本首相。
- Though born and brought up in Tokyo, Tanizaki eventually found his literary hometown in Kansai, a city with profound classical atmosphere. 做为土生土长的东京人,却在具有浓郁古典气息的关西找到了自己心中文学的故乡。
- This is funny, intelligent and passionate, and also semi-autobiographical as it was Tanizaki's final work, written during his own illness. 这部小说滑稽、理智而热烈,也是一部半自传体小说,因为它是谷崎在疾病中完成的最后作品。
- Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi wants to dispatch hundreds of soldiers to help rebuild Iraq. 首相小泉纯一郎要派遣几百军队帮助重建伊拉克。
- He takes over from the charismatic Junichiro Koizumi, who has led Japan since April2001. 他接下了小泉从2001年四月起领导日本的大权。
- Fukuda was serving as chief Cabinet secretary at the time for Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who is divorced. 福田在小泉纯一郎任日本首相期间担任内阁官房长官,而小泉首相当时已经离婚。
- In his last years, Tanizaki was still active in writing in different styles, raising such new problems as old age and sex and exploring resolutions to them. 晚年的谷崎依然笔耕不辍,尝试着用不同的文体进行创作,提出了老年和性这些新的问题并试图探索解决之道。
- The visits of Junichiro Koizumi to the shrine means the return of Japan to national militarism. “小泉参拜”的结果意味着日本国家主义向战时回归。
- January 1942, Junichiro Koizumi of Japan in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, a political world was born at home. 1942年1月,小泉纯一郎在日本神奈川县横须贺市的一个政治世家里出生。
- For his friendship with Junichiro Koizumi was based on more than just tender words. 毕竟,他和小泉纯一郎的友谊不是仅靠几句温言暖语建立起来的。
- The plan is the result of reforms initiated in 2005 by former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. 这项计划是前首相小泉纯一郎于2005年提出改革的结果。
- Prime minister Junichiro Koizumi in Japan divorce more than 20 year always celibacy. 日本首相小泉纯一郎离婚20多年一直独身。
- Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is viewed by many in Hiroshima as a key proponent of a more hawkish Japan. 日本首相小泉纯一郎在广岛地区被认为是鹰派的主要支持者。
- Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi agreed to push for U.N. sanctions against North Korea. 布什和日本首相小泉纯一郎都认为,应该推动联合国对朝鲜实施制裁。
- Today's discussion meeting lasted two hours. Tanaka's former major political ally, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi was unsatisfied with the result of the meeting. 今天的审议会议举行了两小时;原本是田中重要政治盟友的日本首相小泉纯一郎,对会议结果感到不快。
- Tanizaki ....short story Shir? 谷崎润一郎 Junichir?
- Japanese leader Junichiro Koizumi decided to bring the robot - made by the Japanese company Honda - as a tribute to the Czech writer Karel Capek. 日本首相小泉纯一郎打算将这台日本本田公司制造的机器人作为礼物送给捷克作家卡雷尔·卡佩克。