- Tank Destroyer Battalion 反坦克自行火炮营
- Allied M10 Tank Destroyer turn radius increased. 盟军M10坦克歼击车转弯半径增加。
- Allied M10 Tank Destroyer acceleration speed slightly decreased. 盟军M10坦克歼击车加速度略微下降。
- Allied M10 Tank Destroyer damage reduced against buildings. 盟军M10坦克歼击车对建筑威力下降。
- Five days after the invasion, our district created a “destroyer” battalion from Komsomol volunteers. 在德国人入侵五天后,我们区以共青团志愿者为主组建了一支“歼击”营。
- Allied M10 Tank Destroyer damage reduced versus Axis Light Vehicles. 盟军M10坦克歼击车对轴心国轻装甲车威力下降。
- Kettenkrad will no longer have the rudimentary repair ability before the Tank Destroyer command tree is selected. 装甲精英半履带摩托车不再在选取反坦战术前拥有维修技能。
- Allied M10 Tank Destroyer no longer has an unintended accuracy penalty against moving Axis Sdkfz Armoured Cars. 盟军M10坦克歼击车在攻击轴心国美洲豹时不再受到不必要的精度惩罚。
- In preparations for the Ardennes Offensive, around 10 Ausf Gs were converted to resemble American Gun Motor Carriage M10 tank destroyer. 在准备阿登反击的时候,有10辆G型坦克被改造成类似美国M10坦克歼击车的炮塔形状。
- The most successful conversion based on Panther's chassis was Jagdpanther, an excellent tank destroyer armed with 88mm Pak 43 L/71 gun but its production was limited. 最为成功的变形车辆是在黑豹底盘上开发出来的猎豹歼击车,一款杰出的坦克杀手,装备了43型71倍径的88毫米反坦克炮,但是其产量有限。
- Tank Destroyer Platoon Self-Propelled 反坦克自行火炮排
- Tank Destroyer Replacement Training Center 反坦克炮兵补充兵员训练中心
- The battalion's outposts were called in. 该营的前哨部队已被召回。
- The M4 served as the basic structure for multiple variants including tank destroyers, self-propelled artillery, and special purpose vehicles. M4为包括战车破坏者,自力推进的火炮和特别的目的车辆多样的变体视为基本的结构。
- This battalion is composed of 800 soldiers. 这个营是由八百个人组成的。
- This destroyer can overrun any submarine. 这艘驱逐舰的速度比任何潜水艇都快。
- The second battalion is/are going abroad. 第二营即将开赴国外。
- The officer is attached to a destroyer. 这军官隶属于某驱逐舰。
- The destroyer has been arrested by the police. 那个破坏者已经被警察逮捕了。
- The battalion commander lined his men along the railway. 营长命令士兵们沿铁轨排开。