- Taraxacum coreanumn. 朝鲜蒲公英
- Taraxacum heterolepis Nakai et H.Koidz. 异苞蒲公英
- Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz. 藏蒲公英
- Preparation of the mixed flower tea with Taraxacum sp. 蒲公英花茶的制作。
- Traditional Chinese drug, Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.Mazz. 中药蒲公英种类繁多,资源丰富。
- A central Asian dandelion(Taraxacum koksaghyz) having fleshy roots that yield a form of rubber. 橡胶草,青胶蒲公英一种中亚的蒲公英(橡胶草蒲公英属),长有能分泌一种橡胶的肉质根
- A method for the determination of guanfu base A, the active anti-arrhythmic principle in Aconitum coreanum (Levl ) Raipaics by RP-HPLC was reported. 采用 RP-HPLC方法对黄花乌头 Aconitum coreanum抗心律失常有效成分关附甲素(guanfu base A)的含量进行了测定。
- A central Asian dandelion(Taraxacum koksaghyz)having fleshy roots that yield a form of rubber. 橡胶草,青胶蒲公英一种中亚的蒲公英(橡胶草蒲公英属),长有能分泌一种橡胶的肉质根
- Taraxacum mongolicum has a green tubular stylar nectary located at the base of the style. 蒲公英的花蜜腺位于花柱基部,呈筒状围绕花柱,新鲜时呈绿色,属于花柱蜜腺。
- Method: Herba Taraxacum mongolici was porphyrized into cell_level ultramicro_prower with knock on pneumatic bucher. 方法 :用撞式气流粉碎机对蒲公英进行细胞级超微粉碎 ;
- Never saw my soul so pure that i can not believe in my eyes, i think i am lost in the world, like the Taraxacum. 把自己想要的感觉,深深的吸进自己的肺里,然后咀嚼自己生命里的那份苦涩与幸福。
- As a traditional Chinese medicinal herb,Taraxacum mongolicum has been widely used both in medicine and food. 蒲公英既是传统的营养保健野菜,又是常用的中药材,富含多种营养元素及保健功能因子,有很大的开发价值。
- Objective: To compare the contents of chlorogenic acid extracted born wild and cultivation Taraxacum mongolicum Hand. 摘要目的:比较野生与栽培蒲公英绿原酸含量。
- Objective: To analyze the HPLC fingerprint chromatogram of some Taraxacum in Henan. 目的:对河南不同蒲公英药材的HPLC指纹图谱进行全面分析。
- Aconitum coreanum Leveil. [医] 黄花乌头
- But one species, a Russian variety called Taraxacum kok-saghyz (TKS), may yet make the big time. 但是,一种名为橡胶草的俄罗斯蒲公英,或许会成为非常有用的植物。
- The taraxacum wantonly expressed their smiles, like the coloured buttons on the ground. 蒲公英笑容般放纵地绽开,像大地上一枚枚彩色的钮扣。
- OBJECTIVE To determine the content of caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid in Taraxacum from different habitats. 目的:测定不同产地蒲公英中咖啡酸和绿原酸含量。
- OBJECTIVE To determine the content of chlorogenic acid in Taraxacum from different habitats. 目的:测定不同产地蒲公英中绿原酸含量。
- The results show that these are good methods to indentify Saussurea stella Maxim, and Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz. 结果表明:通过原植物、性状、显微、薄层色谱图研究能够很好的鉴定原植物。